⚠︎𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐮𝐬 4⚠︎

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"We're coming with you.", Intak said.

Taeyang sighed then he walked away and the others, including Keeho and Shota followed him.

Taeyang was actually sorry for being so mean but he doesn't know how to talk to people anymore.

It was a long time he spent alone and the only one he talked to was himself.

He missed his parents and the time in which everything was okay.

And the fact that he knew the reason for the breakout of the virus is also something that is hard to handle.

"Taeyang, are you okay?", Intak asked.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Because you're crying."

Taeyang was shocked that he didn't realized he was crying, which caused him to stopp for a moment.

"It... it is nothing... nothing important.", he said before he kept walking.

Taeyang was crying a lot when he was alone and he never thought there would be someone to ask him if everything is alright.

"Are you sure that you're okay?", Intak asked again.

"Actually I'm not sure but I don't wanna talk about it..."

"I'm there for you and if you want to talk just come to me.", Intak said with a smile.

"Thank you...", Taeyang said with a little smile.

Taeyang was happy to met the other ones, especially Intak, even if he is annoying sometimes.

And again the light blue sky turned into a dark blue while they walked through the empty city.

"Why is there a light in this house?", Jiung asked and looked up to a room in one of the houses.

"It could be that there is someone.", Keeho answered his question.

"Should we take a look Taeyang?", Jiung asked but Taeyang didn't hear him, "Taeyang?"

Taeyang didn't react again so Intak softly bumbed him with his elbow.

"Hm?", Taeyang finally asked.

"I asked if we should go up there, because there is a light.", Jiung said again.

"Yeah, we can go and take a look."

They went up the stairs and saw a boy doing something on a laptop.

"What are you doing there?", Jiung asked confused.

"I figure out where the drones come from and why there aren't so many here right now.", the boy said.

"I already know where they come from, you don't have to figure it out.", Taeyang said.

"Wait you know it?", Keeho asked.

"Yeah, I know it."

"You never said that.", Intak said.

"You never asked, so why should I say it?"

"Nevermind, what's your name?", Intak asked the boy instead.


Intak nodded, then he introduced the other ones.

"Do you have something like a leader?", Jongseob asked.

"Actually no, but we follow Taeyang's lead.", Jiung said.

It was quit for a moment.

"So... what are we gonna do now?", Keeho asked.

"I guess the most of you are tired so we should rest for some time.", Taeyang said.

"But atleast one of us should stay awake if something happens.", Keeho said.

"That's right, I'll stay awake.", Taeyang said.

The other five nodded, then they decided to sleep a bit.

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