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Krist POV:

Right now I am at a mall standing in a popcorn shop to buy popcorn.
Why you say. Because well last night I asked P'Sing to go out with me to watch a movie with me & he said yes. A big fat YES. I still can't believe this.

So Yeahhh I am here now. Singto was wearing black like all the time. A hoodie. Today he's wearing  new speces. Let me tell you something P'Sing is looking damn cool wearing this spaces .

"Can we go inside now the movie is going to start soon" Singto said.
"Yeahhh Yeahhh sure let's go." I said.
Time skip_____
"The movie was great right? I didn't guessed that the hero was the psycho there. His acting was really great." Singto said excitedly.

Well I don't know much about the movie cause I was busy looking at someone who is way more interesting than the movie.

"Yeahhh Yeahhh." I said.
"Ummm Kit I was thinking to cut my hair so I need to go to the salon." He said.
"Okay let's go to the salon then." I said.
" No I was thinking that if you go to the food court then you can order the food. You know to have food in that restaurant you actually have to stand in a really long line. That time I can go & cut my hair then we will have the food together. Is that okay with you?" He said.
"Okay then I will go order the food." I said nodding.
"Okay buy some fried chicken & a Americano for me." He said smiling.

It's already been a long time & I was still standing in the restaurant's line. P'Sing was actually right.

Suddenly , my phone buzzed. P'Sing was calling me so I picked up the phone saying," Hello P'Sing are you done there? cause I am still standing in the line."

"Hello Kit I am done cutting my hair here but there is problem here." He said hesitantly.
" What happened P? Do you want me come there??" I asked him.
"No big trouble but when I was coming back to you there a girl who mistakenly discarded her juice on me so I have to change my clothe. I can't enter the restaurant like that right?" He said.
"Ohh so are you thinking to go back home or something?" I asked.
"No I was thinking that I will buy a shirt from the mall & go there wearing it." He said.
"Okay. Take your time then." I said.

Reserving two sits in the restaurant I was waiting there when I saw P'Sing entering.

Reserving two sits in the restaurant I was waiting there when I saw P'Sing entering

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            (Singto's new haircut)

He is looking damn hot. The only think I can process in my mind looking at him.

"Sorry for the delay." P'Sing said sitting in front of me.
"No no it's okay it was just an accident right." I said.

I can't keep my eyes away from him.

"Is this hairstyle looking good on me?" He asked .

"Yeahhh of course You're looking damn hot." I blurted out. I eyes grew big from words " I-I mean to say is--"

Singto laughed. "It's okay you don't have to explain me anything. Just don't think too much when you're with me. Say whatever you wanna say." He said.

OH MY GOSH isn't he is the one whom I was waiting for to be with forever & ever.
I thought.

I laughed hesitantly.
Then we talked for hours there. I came to know more about him. His likes, his dislikes much more. At the end of the day I knew that If I don't make a move on him I will be the most foolish man in the whole world. But still I didn't wanted to make him pressurized. So I thought to confess my undying love for him & after that we will see in which side the water flows.

So when we're standing outside our doors I said it,
" P I love you. I know everything is going on really fast between us. & it's not any puppy love or something. I really love you & I have a feeling inside me to make a promise to you that I will always protect with my life & never make you feel hurted."

He was looking at me amazed.

"So will you be my boyfriend P'Sing?" I asked him clutching his hands with mine.

He didn't say anything. I think he was still in shock to answer me.
"It's okay if you don't want to answer me now. I can wait for you always." I said looking down.

I was about to turn around to go back to my room when he suddenly yanked the
collar of my jacket & smashed our lips.
I was still processing things but when I realized that P'Sing was actually kissing me. I was already kissing him pulling closer to me. Histaste was bitter because of  the Americano Coffee but still it was addictive. He broke the kiss. He looked into my eyes like he was searching something inside my eyes I can feel that.

Then he said, "That's my answer." Blushing hard.
Looking away making some space between us he said," Would you like to come in my room?"
" Sure sure ofcourse. " I said excitedly.

After entering his apartment he told me to go in his room that time he will fix something for us to have dinner.

But when I entered his bedroom what I saw was nothing I was expecting.

There was a lady laying on Singto's bed like she owns it

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There was a lady laying on Singto's bed like she owns it. When she saw me she said," Did that asshole came home or not?"

I didn't knew what to answer so I just nodded.
Who is she?
What is she to P'Sing??

All of a sudden Singto came running in his room.
"What are you doing here now Prea?" Singto asked sternly to the lady.

"Ohhh Sing don't act like you don't know why I am here." She said looking at Singto.

A/N: Hey guys!!! So I  guess in this chapter Singto & Krist is getting along I mean 😘. So Yeahhh do you like the chapter tell me in the comments.
Btw what is the deal P'Sing is having with this Prea?? Let's read that in the new upcoming chapter. Until then.....

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