Chapter 1- Pilot

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He broke her heart. Eric Samuels broke my best friends heart.

He's the biggest bad boy in school, playing with girls hearts and using them like tissue papers whenever he wants. No, this cannot continue and I will strictly forbid this.

My best friend, Emma Jones was currently surrounded by a box of tissues with a tub of chocolate ice cream in her hands and a movie playing in front of her. Whereas I, Aubrey James being her very best friend am trying to comfort her in any way I can.

"You can go Aubrey." Emma said for the last time.

"Emma, there's nothing wrong with a best friend consoling her best friend after a break up." I told her but she shook her head.

"It's embarrassing." She told me, and wiped her eyes with a tissue. Her attention was no longer towards the movie so I grabbed the remote and switched it off.

"How? Emma, there's nothing to be embarrassed of." I told her but she blew her nose in the tissue and massaged her temples.

"It's pretty embarrassing when a popular boy breaks up with you in front of the whole freaking school." She explained and I just laugh snorted.

"He's been playing with girls hearts since grade 8. He uses them like toys, probably just to stop his sexual frustration."

"But he's so much more when you get to know him," Emma said but I wasn't really listening. She's actually right, I wasn't the one who had to experience this so I can't say anything against it.

"Yea." I said and she laughed.

"You didn't even listen to a single thing I said."

"I'm sorry." I apologised and she nodded.

"It's okay, I've already been such a pain in the ass that I don't want to shower you with stories from my past relationship." She said and I shook my head.

"It's okay, go on and I'm listening this time."

"So we used to sit on the swing and stare up at the sky. We'd go out on weekends and bowl. We'd lay in bed and talk about life. It was different but he's a whole new person when you get to know him. Far from Eric Samuels who plays with girls' hearts." She explained and I nodded.

My phone rang and I checked the caller ID 'Jackson'

Me: hey Jackson.

Jackson: hey I missed you girls at school today.

Me: yes, I'm getting Emma over-

Jackson: the break up? Yea I heard.

Me: wow, was it that big?

Jackson: fucking huge.

Me: can't imagine how it feels.

Jackson: doesn't matter, I won't let anyone do it to you. I'll make them sign a contract before dating you.

Me: ha ha very funny.

Jackson: I'm so damn serious.

Me: oh wow, Jackson is making me a contract? cool! *mocks in school girl voice*

Jackson: I got soccer practice, want to come? We can grab some McDonald's on the way back.

Me: I have to stay with Emma, she's a mess. I need to get her off this bed and at least force her to shower.

Jackson: can I come help?

Me: I'll tell you if we need anything. Thanks!

Jackson: bye.

Me: bye.

"What was he saying?" Emma sniffed. She literally looked like a puppy left all alone on the street in the cold.

"Do you need anything?" I asked her.

"I might need some lady stuff." She said and put the tub of ice cream on the floor.

"I'll text him," I told her. "Plus the periods explain a lot of your behaviour."

"Just shut the fuck up and text him?" She asked and I nodded.

To Jackson: Hey Jack! Could you go to the local store and get some pads? >_< we're in desperate need. X

Jackson: only for my girls :')

"He's getting them." I told her.

"Oh my god, idea." She said loud enough for the whole of America to hear.


"But you play an important role in it, and I need you to do it for me."

"Just say it already."

"Date Eric Samuels and break his heart."



"Are you fucking kidding me? I won't date that shitbag nutcase, plus how would he even date me?"

"I'll set you up somehow." Emma smirked and it was an evil one, she must have a very devious plan in her mind.

"What does he do or like generally?" I asked Emma and she frowned.

"I don't know, games and tricks." She smirked, probably remembering one of their moments.

"Okay, I'm in." I smirked.

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