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"As much as I want to stay here and let you eat me out gigi is waiting for me daddy "
"ok I'll phone you later love "
we reached my home in a few minutes before I got off I kissed Axel and it never seems to lose it's passion
" you're so horny right now aren't you? "
I say as I lick his bottom lips while my hand swipes over his hard on through his jeans

"don't tease me love I bet if I were to rip of those panties your tight pussy would be so wet aren't I right slut "
" you are right daddy ,but to bad see you tomorrow " I say kissing him and walk out I turn and see him chuckle as he drives off as I walk up to the door I see Jackie's car in the driveway

I walk in and see Jackie and gigi talking but Jackie's eyes were red and puffy she was crying
I put my things down and walked up to her ,she ran to me hugging me tightly as she cried on my shoulder

" Jackie what's wrong why are you crying "
" I'm -I *hiccup* I'm pregnant "
wow I didn't expect that
" ok well did you tell your ex steve "
" steve and I never had sex "
"what then whose baby is it "
"i hooked up with a guy at a party 2 weeks ago "
"oh Jackie it's ok stop crying love it will be fine "
"no it won't, my mum is going to kill me and my dads dead he would have supported me I could only tell you and gigi "
"ok you stay here and we will talk about this later "
" I don't want it "
"Jackie your angry now bu--"
She fell to the floor crying ,never had I seen my best friend so weak and upset it broke me she is always so happy

" look Jackie your angry now ok I want you to sleep on it and think about this tomorrow please you could end up doing something you will regret "
I walked her to the guest room which was hers and layed her in bed ,I had a shower and layed on my bed thinking about all this

I feel bad for Jackie but yeah.
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