EPILOUGE <part 2>

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When we reach the party it had already begun maybe we should not have had a quick eating session "hey my sweet baby" I say pinching Jessie's cheeks (jackies baby )and snatch her from Jackie's arms "sure just forget me "Jackie says "soooorrryyyy"i laugh and hug her "so is this the day we meet Mr Tall ?" she has been talking about him for over six months and she had told us to only call him Mr Tall because she didn't want us to know his name so we might just meet him today "he is already here ..."she says before screaming 'babe!!!'

a really tall guy walked up to us he was really handsome ,his eyes were exactly like brents he kissed Jackie's cheek and Jessie's ...so sweet

"hi nice to meet you I would have said your name but thanks to my friend I don't know it "i say and laugh "the names Brent "

my eyes widen ,I don't know what to feel I wrap my arms around him and hug him so tight tears pricking at my eyes ,he was kind enough to return the hug
" ash you ok? "he asks "umm yeah I am fine I am sorry I didn't mean to come on so strong "he smiles "it is totally ok Jackie has told me everything "he wipes my tears and embraces me again and I swear I felt as if Brent my best friend was hugging me tears flood down my face as I hug him tighter .We both let go and he gives me a warm smile and we all head to the play area and there were a few babies "how did you  meet all these ladies ?"
"they all were in my prego yoga classes mum made me take "she snorts I laugh at that

we all sang for Jessie and cut the cake after a while everone left and it was only me Axel,Jackie and Brent and gigi and Jackie's mum was with Jessie inside .I sat on Axels lap as Brent and Jackie headed inside

"you ok love ?"
"yeah it was just when I meet Brent I couldn't comprehend it "
"i felt the same love "
"right it is so unbelievable "
"well I don't want you to think about all that love ,I can't have you stressed " I smile at his words

"when are you going to tell gigi ?"
"maybe tomorrow "
"yes maybe " I snuggle into his neck
"your blushing darling "
"no I am not " I so was
"you are " he turns my face to look at him as he pecks my lips

"i am so happy your in my life " he says "so am I "

"i love you so much darling "
"i love you more "

we were interrupted by gigi "what were you going to tell me now ?" I laugh "gigi you were spying "i was now tell me " Jackie and Brent walk out and sit on the swing aswell as gigi

"well I have -- no I mean WE have good news "
"which is? "
"i am pregnant "



one  more chapter will be posted all smut which is a threesome with Ashley, Brent and Axel

love you all

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