(Before i continue the story cotton candy vs cotton candy means ruby and sapphire vs aquamarine and oneye ok lets continue)
We tried are hardest to battle those little craps but we couldn't the were to powerful together.
*Oneye starts singing*
"INDEPENDENT TOGET-" i stopped oneye "don't you start with that stupid song" i said in a grumpy voice.
"Oooooo is aquaman mad" ruby said
"IT'S AQUAMARINE NOT AQUAMAN" aquamarine screamed "teehee" sapphire laughed in a whisper
"You shut up!" Aquamarine screamed.Aquamarine kicked the duo and they fell to the ground "now topaz finish them!" Aquamarine ordered and right before topaz could amethyst wrapped her whip around topaz's leg and pearl poofed topaz.
"LET'S GET OUTTA HERE ONEYE" Aquamarine said "ok" oneye said they ran away "amethyst go get them" pearl said "ok" amethyst said pearl followed her.
sapphire my beloved (ruby x sapphire fanfic)
Pertualanganruby is on a walk til she sees sapphire in the willow marsh so ruby decides to join her until 2 old friends comes back and ruby and sapphire fuse.