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Double update guys 😁....
QUOTE: I hate you, I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her 💔It's been a week to Abhinavi's marriage. Both of them went to Italy for their honeymoon and will be coming back in next 3-4 days.
Avneet has started distancing herself from Siddharth. It had been seven days since they have had a proper conversation. Work related travel and Ritika kept Siddharth busy. However, in the office, whenever he turned a corner and happened to hear her voice or smell her perfume, Siddharth forced his feet to tread in the other direction. However, his thoughts were harder to redirect from her.
Avneet was sitting in her cabin. Siddharth was not in the office today as he had some meeting. Faisu had also came to meet Avneet as he was not in Mumbai the whole week. He had gone to Delhi for some shoot. Jannat had also gone with him as she had to meet some of her cousins there.
They went to the conference room as Faisu wanted to show something to Avneet on projector. Right now, They both were sitting in the talking about how was the shooting and all when there was a knock on her door.
Avneet: Come in...
Ritika walked in.
Avneet and Faisu looked at each other confused. They both stood up from their seats.
Avneet: ohh Ritika do come in....
Ritika came in and stood in front of Avneet.
Ritika: I would like to speak to you.... (She looked at Faisu then back at Avneet) in private
Avneet glance at Faisu.
Faisu (muttered): Suree
Faisu headed out of the room.
Avneet: Have a seat.
Ritika sat in front of Avneet.
Avneet: yeah so is everything ok??
Ritika: There is something, I would like to change. I don't like it as it is!!!
Avneet (thought): As if her fiancé wasn't enough, now she will also have to be suffered!??
She mentally rolled her eyes but then politely asked.
Avneet: And What would you like to change??
Meanwhile As Faisu went out if the cabin he had a ear on the door so that he can know what is happening exactly.
Suddenly there was a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Jannat standing with her hands folded.
Faisu: Ohh Hii Jaan!! What are you doing here??
During the last whole week they had bonded more.
Jannat: You tell me... What are YOU doing here?? You were toh inside na... with avu??
Faisu and Jannat both had came together to S&N industries. Jannat went to meet others while Faisu directly came to meet Avneet.
Faisu: ohh yeah but... (he told how Ritika came and asked him to go out)
Jannat (confused): what does she wants to talk about???
Faisu: wohh hi toh me janne ki koshish kar raha hoon...
Jannat went to the door and opened it a bit so that Avneet and Ritika won't be able to see them but they can hear what they were talking. Faisu gave her "I m impressed" look while she just winked.

Waiting For You
FanficLove is not as easy as the movies make it seem. life happens and sometimes, you screw up, that too not once but again and again. And due to this you lose many people. You lose the person you love the most, your path are not the same now.... but do n...