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TW - Anorexia, Anxiety, Adderall Abuse.

Reader's POV:

The table read for Hotel is tomorrow, and I couldn't be more excited. I also don't think I've ever been this nervous. The few parts that I did in Coven are nothing compared to what's ahead of me in Hotel. I don't want any distractions this week, so I've been working on homework constantly. 

The longer I've been doing online classes, the more apparent it became that I have severe ADHD. Sarah and I got into many fights over getting homework and classes done. So Rebecca started me on adderall to help me focus and that seems to have been all I needed. 

I don't mind taking adderall because along with helping me focus, it makes me less hungry. Sarah and I have worked hard on my eating habits, but sometimes it's even harder to not fall back into my old ways. 

Mom's been in and out of costume fittings and things all day, and I talked her into letting me stay home. I wanted to finish the rest of my assignments so I was free for the week. 

I was so focused on typing my paper that I didn't hear mom come in or walk upstairs.

"Sweetie what are you still doing up?" Sarah said as she sat down on the bed.

"SHIT!" I screamed practically jumping up off the bed.

"Language." Sarah said back calmly.

"Sorry." I said breathlessly as I held my hand to my chest.

"You scared me. I didn't hear you come in." I said giving her a small smile.

"Sorry honey. Whatcha workin on?" She said moving next to me.

"Oh just finishing up my english essay so I'm done with school for the week." I said.

"You're done with everything?" She asked looking shocked. 

"Yep! I wanna be totally focused on the show!" I tell her.

"I'm proud of you sweetie. Don't stay up too late okay?" Sarah said as she kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight mom." I said giving her a hug.

Sarah's POV:

 I know (Y/N)'s just excited about filming, but she's worrying me. I'm thinking about texting Rachel in the morning just to give her a heads up so she knows to keep a close eye on her when she's over. 

I went downstairs to get ready for bed and on the way stopped to grab a water bottle out of the fridge. When I open it I notice none of the foods been touched. I don't want to jump to conclusions so I decide to check the dishwasher. Maybe she made something that wasn't cold. But there's no new plates or anything. I'm sure I look crazy, but I went and checked the trash too, and nothing. Ugh I shouldn't have left her home alone. 

It's already late, so I'll just talk to her in the morning. Before I go to sleep I send Rachel a text so I don't forget to talk to her as well. 


Hey Rach, need to

run something past

you. Call me when you

get up. Love you

I hit send and put my phone on the charger. I'm usually not nervous for table reads, but I am this season. I think it's because of the character I'll be playing. Sally is WAY out of my comfort zone, and while I'm extremely excited to bring her to life, I just want to make sure I live up to Ryan's vision of her. 

My alarm went off at 6 the next morning and I groaned. We've had a couple weeks off from filming so I'm not used to having to be up so early. 

I shuffle out of the bedroom to start some coffee, but I see that it's already done. 

"Morning mom!" I hear and turn to see (Y/N) sitting at the counter already dressed drinking a cup of coffee. 

"Well good morning bug, how did you sleep?" I ask half yawning.

"To be honest, I didn't sleep much." She says with a giggle.

"I was too excited. Around 5 I decided to just get all the way up, and figured I'd have the coffee ready for you." She said smiling.

"I was the same way with my first table read." I say smiling as I remember what that was all like.

I kiss (Y/N)'s head as I walk by and head back to my room to get ready for the day. 

"We're leaving at 6:30, Henry will be here soon." I call to her. 

"Oh, hey bug?" I ask turning around remembering I needed to talk to her this morning.

"Yeah mom." She says looking over at me.

"You did eat something yesterday while I was gone, right?" I asked biting my lip. I didn't want to upset her, but I'm worried.

"Oh yeah, of course. Sorry I should've told you, I just went ahead and washed my dishes afterward so I had a bit more of a break from homework." She said without hesitation.

"Oh okay good. Sorry I was just worried." I say and walk back into my room.

As I get into the bathroom my phone starts ringing and I see that it's Rachel.

I look back out into the kitchen and see that (Y/N)'s walking upstairs so I decide it's okay to talk to her real quick.

"Hey Rach."

"Hey what's up?" 

"I think I honestly might have overreacted, it's probably nothing. I just wanted to run something by you for when (Y/N)'s over at your house."

Better safe than sorry I think as I start to tell her about everything from yesterday.   

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