
263 21 16

TW - Anxiety.

Reader's POV:

"Am I going to have to duck tape you to the seat?" Sarah asked playfully, placing a hand on my leg that had been bouncing uncontrollably the whole car ride. 

I giggle and lean my head over on her shoulder. 

"I know my part isn't huge, I'm just so excited to actually be in American Horror Story. This is all so surreal to me." I said smiling at her. 

Sarah put her arm around me and kissed the top of my head. "Hey it doesn't matter the size of the part, this is a huge deal, and I'm so proud of you." She says.

"Thanks mom." I say giving her a hug.

"I'm very proud of you too Little Paulson." Henry Says smiling at me in the mirror.

I lean up in my seat and pat his shoulder, "I couldn't have gotten here without you." I say and we all laugh because he does support me so much, but he also quite literally gets me everywhere I need to be.

Just then the car comes to a stop and I let out an excited squeal as I turn to open the door. When I do, what I see makes my jaw hit the seat. Lady Gaga is standing with Evan and Ryan just outside the door of the studio.

"MOM!!!" I yell and look over as Sarah's eyes widen and she jumps slightly.

"Right here bug. Deaf, but right here." She says chuckling.

"THAT'S LADY GAGA!!" I say still a bit too loud for the car.

"I know bug!! I thought it would be a cool surprise!" Sarah says smiling at me. 

"Whoa. I'm gonna be working with Lady Gaga." I say in total shock.

"Hey don't forget about your mom!" She says nudging my arm.

"Of course! Yes you too!! But Lady Gaga." I say and mom and Henry just crack up.

"Okay, okay come on goof ball we don't want to be late." She says pushing me towards the car door. 

I step out and wait for Sarah so she can walk in front because I am way too nervous. 

When we get over to her, Evan and Ryan, Evan and I excitedly say hi to each other.

"Little Paulson!!" He says throwing his hands up. "Evan!!" I yell running over to him.

He scoops me up and spins around before setting me back down. "You got taller kid! Luckily, I'm still taller so I can still do this!" He says as he tosses me up on his shoulder and runs over to Lily as I scream. 

When he finally walks us back I see Sarah hug Lady Gaga and all my nerves come rushing back as I see them turn and look at me. 

"And you must be (Y/N)." She says reaching for my hands. I nod and smile at her.

"I'm so excited to work with you, your mom has told me so much about you." She says running a hand through my hair.

"We're going to have so much fun playing TV mommy and daughter." She says and I almost couldn't believe what I heard. 

"Wait really?!" I say almost jumping up and down. 

She and Sarah both giggle. "I was waiting so you could tell her, I thought it would be cool for her to hear it from you." Sarah says. 

"This is insane!!!" I yell as I hug Lady Gaga. She giggles and hugs me back. 

"Come, sit with Evan and I for the read." She says and I look over at Sarah to make sure it's okay.

"Go bug!!" Sarah says patting my shoulder. I turn and take Gaga's hand as we walk inside to start the table read. 

I don't have many lines until closer to the middle and end of the season, but I get my own script this season and I couldn't be happier. 

I'm following along as we're reading through, and as we get about 15 or so minutes into the first episode I see Sally's first line.

I look over at mom as she's getting ready to read, and I'm always just so captivated by how she works and gets into what's being asked of her. 

"I've got dibs on this one Iris. I haven't seen one that sweet in a while." She says in a very raspy tone that almost sounds sad. 

The whole vibe of this season seems sad. Should be easy for me to play I think as I chuckle to myself.

Before I know it the table read for the first 2 episodes is finished, and I've already made 2 appearances in the show. 

I'm not quite sure how I feel about moms role now that I've read through what some of the scenes will look like and what her lines are. I think I might have a bit of a hard time with some of it. 

"I'm looking forward to this season with everyone! Amazing job today, I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow!!" Ryan says as we all stand up.

"(Y/N) sweetie, here put your number in my phone." Lady Gaga says handing me her phone, and I have to keep myself from totally losing it because I'm literally holding Lady Gaga's phone. 

"Really?? Okay!" I say quickly typing in my name and number and handing it back.

She takes it and types for a second before looking back up at me.

"There, I just texted you, so now you have my number as well. I can't wait to work with you. You text or call any time okay dear?" She says and hugs me.

"Oh, and call me Stefani." She added before smiling and walking over to talk to Ryan.

I feel someone else's arm around my shoulder and look up to see Sarah.

"What did you think bug?" She asks, and all I can do is look up at her and smile. 

"I still can't believe this is real. This is the most amazing thing to ever happen to me. You're the most amazing thing to ever happen to me, mom." I say hugging her.

"I love you so much bug. How about we go grab some dinner and walk around LA for a bit?" She asks and I nod putting my arm around her as well.

"Oh mom guess what!" I say as we're walking.

"What's up bug?" She asks.

"Stefani gave me her phone number!" I yell and we happen to be passing her as I do and she winks and gives me a small smile.

"Did she now?" Sarah says pulling me closer to her as we walk out the door. 

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