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Sarah's POV:

"Perfect! Amazing job today everyone!! This season is going to be such a special one! I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow!" Ryan says with a big smile.

When I turn around I don't see (Y/N) anywhere. I'm sure she just went to change, but it always worries me when she wanders off like this. 

"That scene was awesome Sar!" Evan says walking up to me, his arms outstretched for a hug.

"Why thank you." I say in an overly formal tone and do a small bow making both of us giggle as he pulls me in for a hug. "Hey have you seen (Y/N), I can't find them anywhere." I ask him.

"I'm sure they're around here somewhere. I'll help you look." He says immediately heading off.

I love so much how everyone in the cast and crew have taken them in with open arms. I've never seen (Y/N) happier and I know that's a big part because of how amazing everyone's been. Especially Evan, Taissa, and Billie. She tells me all the time how they've become like a big brother and sisters to them. 

"(Y/N)!" I call as I round the corner to where my dressing room is. Maybe she just came in here to get some quiet.

When I open the door I see them curled up on the couch playing on their phone.

"Hey Bug! Oh, you scared me!" I say smiling at them.

"I scared you?" She answers back sarcastically. "Ummm, have you looked in a mirror?" She says pointing to one.

"Okay that's fair." I say as we both laugh, I guess Sally is the scarier of the two of us at the moment.

"You did amazing today!" I say sitting next to them and they turn around and lay their head in my lap.

"Thanks." She says with a giggle and a shy smile.

"You okay Bug?" I ask running my hand over their hair.

"Ya, no I'm good. I'm just tired and missed my sweat pants." She says as they throw their foot up in the air. 

"I don't blame you one bit." I say tickling the foot that's still hanging in the air. As she falls off the couch giggling I stand up to get changed myself.

"Just give me a couple minutes to change and we'll get out of here. Anything sound good for dinner?" I ask.

"Sushiiiiiii!" She yells from the floor. I truly think she could eat sushi for every meal if I let them.

"Then sushi for my little actress it is!" I say.

Reader's POV:

The next day I don't actually have any scenes to film, so when Sarah was on her lunch break I asked if I could go to this little cafe I found near the studio.

"Which one Bug?" Mom asks concerned and I'm really not sure if she'll let me go. She barely lets me out of her sight which most of the time I don't mind. I prefer to be around her, she just makes me feel safer. But after yesterday I'm having a hard time watching her film her scenes. I know they aren't real and I keep reminding myself of that, but she's just so good at what she does it's hard to watch her like that. 

"It's called Zinc." I say biting my lip and giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know Bug, are you sure you want to?" She asks and I can see the worry in her face.

"Yes, please mom I really want to it looks so cute, and I can work on some of my homework." I say pleading with her.

"Okay, but you're having a driver take you and you wear a hat and your sunglasses until you're inside yes?" She says sternly.

"Does that even work?" I ask.

"Well, for those that aren't really paying attention yes, and for those that are by the time they realize it's you you'll be inside and they're at least slightly less likely to bombard you." She says with a shrug. I guess that does make sense. All of the attention from random people does actually make me super nervous, I really haven't gone out on my own since Sarah adopted me. I've gone out without her, but I'm always with someone she knows that will be with me the whole time. 

"Hat and sunglasses. And you keep your phone on promise?" She says pointing at me.

"I promise! Thank you mom!" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing my bag and heading to where the drivers pick us up.

"I love you!" I call on my way out of the dressing room.

"I love you more Bug!" 

As nervous as I am, I'm also really excited to explore LA a bit more, a  little cafe is a good start for me. Small but still some potential to be recognized, a good way to ease myself into it I think.

Once we arrive I walked in so fast I was practically running. I doubt anyone realized who I was, now there were only really the people already in the cafe to worry about. 

"Hi welcome to Zinc! Can I take- oh my god you're (Y/N) Paulson!!" The girl behind the counter says when she sees me.

I giggle slightly and nod feeling my cheeks blush. 

"What can I get you?! Omg anything you want, it's on the house!" The girl says excitedly.

"Oh, wow thank you. You don't have to do that." I say smiling at her.

"No please, it's totally fine, I can't believe I'm meeting you." She says with a giggle. I know it's really only because of who my mom is that people get so excited but it's still kinda cool to be known. 

"I'll just have an iced matcha latte with oat milk please." 

"You got it!" The girl says writing on the cup. 

"At least let me give you a tip I say handing her some money." 

"You're so sweet! Thank you! I'll have that ready in just a sec!" She says working quickly to make the drink. 

"Could I maybe get a picture with you?" She asks as she hands me the cup.

"Of course." I say smiling as she pulls her phone out.

I thank her again and turn to go to the outside patio. The one in the back has a fence around it so that'll be a little more relaxing since people can't just walk right up the whole time.

I find a table in the corner and pull out my lap top to see if I have any other assignments I can work on when a girl comes and sits down at the table with me startling me.

"Hi!" She says sweetly.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Though I guess there were better ways to go about that." She says with a giggle.

"It's okay!" I say smiling.

"I hope it's okay that I sat with you, I figured the worst you could do was tell me to move but I had to at least shoot my shot at making friends with you." She said nervously.

"It's totally fine." I say giggling. "I assume that means you know who I am then?" 

"Yes." She says covering her face that's now beat red.

"I'm Sabrina." She says offering me her hand.

"Do you live around here, or are you just visiting?" I ask as I shake her hand.

"I live here! I moved to LA about a year ago." She tells me.

"Well that's at least one thing we have in common." I say and we both laugh.

"Here." I say handing her my phone. "Put your number in. It's your lucky day, I could use a friend closer to my age."

"Wait really??" She says as her eyes widen looking at the phone in my hand.

"Unless you don't want to." I say jokingly taking it back.

"No no! I do!" She says quickly grabbing it and putting her number in.

Once she hands it back I send her a text so she has my number as well and when her phone actually lights up with a message she lets out a quiet shriek.

"I can't believe I have (Y/N) Paulson's number!!!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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