Butterfly Rising

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Wowzers, has it really been as long as it's been? I bet y'all thought the sequel would never come. Kay, well me too, lmao. But here it is. After a lot of writer's block, busy work schedule, busy school schedule, it's here. I'll start with an apology.

I'm so sorry it took me a thousand years to get this baby going. Part of it was also laziness. But as  the story started to grow and people were commenting about the sequel, it made me get moving. So, here we are now.

As I write this, I literally only have like 3k words written for the story. Hopefully it's more because right now it's November 19th and I had originally planned to start posting in September. Whoops. As always, this baby is UNEDITED. Please don't expect a polished piece of work. You won't get it. And below is the blurb... hopefully.

Blurb goes here.

As this is a sequel, we do have the same characters from book one. That means this is a polyamorous story. If relationships with three people upset you, please leave now. If LGBTQ relationships upset you, please leave now. This is a hate free zone and I will not condone anything of the sort. 

This story is labeled mature. There will be violence and there will be sex. Eh, maybe on the sex bit. But it definitely has violence. It will also have strong language. If you're at all uncomfortable by this, please mosey on out. It won't change in the story.

Last, everything is made from my own mind, that includes the characters, places, and storyline. If there are any similarities with anything else, it is pure coincidence. Real talk, as I spoke of this with someone before, they told me my story was similar to a Percy Jackson book in the series. Listen, I've only seen the Percy Jackson movie with Logan Lerman. I have never read a PJ book nor do I plan to. If this looks similar, I promise it's a coincidence, okay? And don't steal my shit either.

Okay. That's all. If y'all are read, give me a vote, leave me a comment, and proceed with the prologue. :)

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