Chapter Three

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Just like that, months begin to pass. We begin the large project of deconstructing the large packhouse and making it into a smaller structure. Before we know it, one house is done, then two, then three until our neighborhood is nearly full. With all of us working, it's been an extremely fast process. But that doesn't mean I haven't been keeping my eye on the fissure.

Everyday, I've made time to go out and see if there have been any changes. That's been my routine for the past four months. Before getting my tools, I head to the fissure and make sure it hasn't grown. Luckily, it seems to be stuck at the size it was when the quake first happened.

Stuck in my thoughts, I feel arms wrap around me. With a smile, I lean back into the strong embrace of Rory. After nearly two years, Rory has grown much more than I have. Before, his boyish appearance and lean body seemed like it would never change. But as we've both aged, he's acquired more muscles and a matured jawline. It's perfect as he's stepped into the leadership role perfectly.

"I don't know how we did it, but everything is coming along nicely and quickly. I'm actually kind of surprised." He laughs as his arms squeeze me closer. "I know a few of our members are carpenters, but damn. We've kind of been like bees or ants throughout this whole process."

Giving him my own laugh, I turn in his arms. "It's only natural we're quick. Supernatural creatures are no joke."

"Yeah," he agrees before pressing his forehead to mine. "You're right. And before you know it, our house will be among the completed."

Smiling, I adjust ever so slightly so I can give him a peck on the lips. Pack life is something we've all grown up with and something we're used to. But speaking from a newlywed, newly mated side, the privacy will be nice. Our previous structure was created centuries ago as wolves roam in packs and ignore morality. That's true for animals, but us werewolves have a human side. And being human, we just require more privacy than our primal parts.

"It'll be quite nice," I agree, nodding. Pursing my lips, I contemplate if I should change the subject or not, though quickly decide to speak my mind. "Have we heard word from the elders yet?"

Rory shakes his head. The mood shifts as his shoulders drop and the smile drops from his face. "They're taking their time to get back. I'm not sure if they're doing it on purpose or not."

Rory had sent a letter a month ago, requesting an audience with the elders. Though our meeting with them a year ago told us what we needed to know about lycanthropes, Rory's been itching to ask more in depth questions about them. More than that, he's wanting to ask about their genetic makeup, if the elders even know anything about that. With Rory's increase in muscle mass, he's wanting to know if it has something to do directly with being a lycan.

It's not like Rory has just suddenly started asking questions though. Since that first meeting, he's tried to find any and every book regarding lycans he can find. Each time he does, I can tell it's frustrating him. Just as humans make up stories about us, Rory can never tell what's real and what isn't. That's how he came to the conclusion to consult a higher power.

But they're kind of giving him the cold shoulder.

"The elders aren't shit, honestly." Alexei walks up to us, hands on her hips and looking like the goddess she is. She wraps an arm around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder. "I never liked them from the beginning."

Rory shrugs. "They're the only ones who can tell me anything."

"Maybe... but I don't buy the whole extinct lycans business."

"Why not?" Rory asks, furrowing his eyebrows. Meanwhile, I stay silent and let my two mates talk, only listening.

"Well, just look at you. You're definitely not hundreds of years old. You're barely about to reach twenty. How can every single lycan be extinct while the last remaining one is only twenty?" Alexei pulls away from me to cross her arms, expressing herself through movement. "I'd believe it more if you were pushing a hundred, but you're not. You mean to tell me that your two lycan parents had you then croaked? Along with every other lycan?"

It's definitely food for thought. Ever the realistic one, Alexei provides a theory neither Rory and I had thought of. It's a logic one too that makes a lot more sense than a whole branch of wolf dying off mysteriously... or being taken out by all the vampires.

"Then where are they?" Rory groans, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Beats me. And I don't mean to change the subject, but I do have something to share with you two," Alexei tells us. Turning her head, she motions Cal over who nods and makes his way to us.

Preparing for the worst, I look at the two vampires expectantly. "Don't tell me it's bad news?"

"Not really. More like... annoying news? Unexpected news?" Cal answers, giving a sheepish smile towards me.

"It looks like I'll have to visit the coven for a few days," Alexei says, rubbing the back of her neck. "Things aren't looking so good. There's been a sudden influx of vampires, both newborns and I guess refugees from other territories."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I consider what she's saying. Up until recently, vampires have always been a myth to us. They've always done well to keep their presence hidden, obviously until threatened or somehow they're discovered like Rory and I had done. So, to hear about an influx of newborns is a bit unbelievable. From what Alexei has told me about vampires, this doesn't normally happen.

And there are refugees?

"So you need to go and overlook things for a bit?" I ask. I'm actually feeling kind of guilty.

Alexei, more or less, spends all of her time here. While she's been helping get this pack where it needs to be, she's kind of been neglecting the coven she came from. After Ameri's death, the next in line to run should have been Alexei, but I think she's been straying away from those duties.

"I understand. It's probably best if you go and mediate whatever is happening." Pressing a hand to my chin, I brush over a small stress bump that has formed over the last couple of days. "It's partially my fault you haven't been taking care of the coven."

Alexei grabs me and shakes her head, a hurt look on her face. "That's not true at all."

"To be fair," Rory speaks up, "Sophia-Grace is kind of right. You do spend all of your time here without a second thought towards the vampires you've been with for years. That's kind of fucked up, Alexei."

Alexei scoffs, but I know Rory isn't saying this to make her angry. "Maybe you guys are right and I need to get better at monitoring things on the other side."

At this point, we're the only ones in the room with the addition of Cal and Elijah. Since the others don't particularly care for other species, they tend to vacate when we get to talking about anything that doesn't involve pack matters. I don't really mind that. What can a wolf say about a vampire?

"You know..." Elijah trails off, forming his thought. This is something he always does when he's not one hundred percent put together. "Maybe it'll be good for these two to go with you."

It takes me a moment to realize he's talking about me and Rory.

"Eh? Elijah, I'm sure our presence will just hinder Alexei." I shake my head, stepping away from my mat to fully face him. "We know nothing about wolves."

"Not a bad idea, though," Rory speaks next. "I'd actually rather stay here. Nothing against the vamps, but I'd rather not head back there. I've still got some PTSD regarding that place. Plus, wouldn't it be better if one leader remains. I'm not doubting your work, Elijah, but there's still some business I have here."

It becomes silent as they wait for my answer. I hadn't even thought about any ill feelings I may still have after being locked up in that place before and almost losing my life. Will I be able to return? But more than that, will my presence actually help or hinder Alexei?

"What do you say, beloved?" Alexei gives me a reassuring smile. It's more than enough to make me feel better and shoo away any negative thoughts.

"I guess we're going on a trip."

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