So it begins...again

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This is my first story, please be kind, also a trigger warning for abuse, drinking, fights, blood, homophobia.

———Alexander's POV ———————————————————————

They strolled into second period 10 minutes late, standing in the doorway shooting Ms. Harolds a winning smile.

"Morgan Greybeck, why are you late?"  She says with a frown.

"I'm sorry Ms. Harolds, I got caught up with someone, I was helping him study for biology and we lost track of time, again I apologize"

All smiles again, teachers liked them, girls would pass out in their wake, boys either wanted to be them or shag them, it had been that way since the tenth grade. Everyone knew Morgan, even if it was as "the school slut".

We used to be friends in the tenth grade, that haunted mysterious type, I was drawn...just like everyone else.

"I also have that extra credit paper for our segment on Greek and Roman mythology"

I trail my eyes up their figure as they walk towards me to take a seat. Tall and muscular, but they held themselves with an air of purposeful femininity. Their pale freckled skin was a stark contrast with dark hair, amber streaks peppered in.

Morgan's face was objectively one of the most beautiful I've ever seen, in the most peculiar way, all sharp angles, with piercing green eyes and soft rosy lips formed in a permanent smirk, dark eyelashes longer than any girls. Shoulder-length hair, halfway up, halfway down, the small scars, hollowed cheeks, and dark circles just fit.

But what I was really drawn to was the rope burns on their neck and wrists, hickeys trailing up their collar bones, peeking out from behind black and silver jewelry. Hickeys were pretty regular, the occasional bite mark, but rope burns were a rarity.

Their distressed black nirvana baby-shirt and grey-washed jeans hugged their figure. They sat down next to me and a little gasp escaped their lips. Everyone had stopped ogling them and returned their attention to the board, I chuckled, knowing exactly what they had done this morning.

They pulled out their things and rested their heads in their hands, turning towards me. Morgan chuckles, long willowy fingers grazing the corner of their mouth.

"What are you laughing at love" their way of speaking was honestly quite pretty, if I was any way inclined in I would have swooned. A hint of an accent to a deep and gentle androgynous voice, it was raspy though, like a rock singer.

"You had fun this morning, biology huh? Your wrists look sore" I whisper.

They giggle and drop their tone "I thought my jewelry covered them up well enough, but you should have seen the other guy's"

I raise my eyebrow, and put on a flirtatious but knowing tone "Morgan I think people are so busy undressing you with their eyes, they don't look closely"

"And you do?" Tilting their head.

"I do, I'm very observant" tapping my head and winking "artist brain"

"Ahh" and they smiled softly

They turned away and the class continued on.

I drifted off staring at the window, I had a big art project due soon, I hadn't even figured out an idea yet, the teacher wasn't much help, only saying

'it must show off an aspect of human emotion, whether that be self-hatred, sexuality, happiness, envy, it should have a general relationship with our theme"

I thought of Morgan's rope burns and got an idea.

After class, I found them and pulled them into an empty classroom.

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