Fucking Blunts

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Trigger warning; Smoking, self-harm, self-hate, body dysphoria

———Morgan's POV ————————————————————————

When I wake up Alexander has an arm around my chest, pulling me close. His breath tickles the back of my neck and ear, our legs are tangled together essentially locking me in place.

My stomach flips when I turn my head and see his face. He's slightly smiling when he sleeps, his skin is smooth and a rich milk chocolate colour, dark beauty marks speckle his face. His eyelashes are light and curled upwards, the same shade as his hair.

That hair I desperately want to coil my fingers through.

He's shorter than me but his arms are nice, he's not built like me, there's more meat on his bones, he looks healthy. He smells like vanilla and honey, and some sort of sweet flowery smell?

I sigh, it's nice to be held, I snuggle closer. I missed him, it had been too long since we talked last. A little prickle of sadness hits me, he was the one who left.

I see Alexander's eyes start to flutter open, I quickly pretend to be asleep, slowing my breathing, praying to the universe he can't feel my heart pounding.

He leans forward, breathes in, and groans lightly.

"God you smell good" he whispers, pulling back and untangling himself from me. He leaves and I hear the shower turn on, I immediately smell my clothes. They smell like Alexander but under that, it's all cigarette smoke and roses, and the eternal smell of sex. 'God you smell good'

I fight a blush creeping up my cheeks.

(That moment you're so gay for a stupid "straight boy")

I get up, and start walking downstairs, Alexander's mom is standing at the kitchen island, sipping on her coffee reading a book. I joined her on the island.

"Good morning miss...I'm so sorry... I don't know your name"

She puts down her book smiling.

"Oh, it's Ms. Goodwell, but you can just call me Kayla, there is still some coffee left if you want any. I'll start working on breakfast in a bit."

Strange... Alexander's last name was Tellemane, maybe his father's name? How did I never manage to meet his mom!

"Oh, thank you. I...I could cook if you want, I really appreciate you letting me stay over and patching me up, it would be my pleasure"

"That would be lovely, I also put your clothes in the wash, they should be done soon"

"Okay, thank you"

I pour myself some coffee, and stand a few feet away from Ms. Goo...I mean, Kayla.

"I never took you for a black coffee person Morgan, good morning!"

He's entirely too bright for this morning. I look up to see Alexander in nothing but black basketball shorts, dripping wet from his shower, towel drying his hair.

I choke, I want to trace my fingers over those abs, and his hips look like they could cut me, and holy fuck those thighs, I would like to be suffocated by those, please.

Years of football really paid off.

"Morning mumsy"

He gives her a kiss on the cheek and heads to the laundry room. I try to erase thoughts that invade my brain but fail horribly. He walks back in (unfortunately) with more clothes on.

"Morgan's making us breakfast Alec"

He sidles up to me trying to steal a sip of my coffee before grabbing his own mug. I swat at him playfully and we laugh, just like old times.

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