
195 4 6

3:00 AM

Trey: I've never farted so much in my entire life. It is constant, literally nonstop. And I tried taking a shit but it was just more farts. I don't understand wtf is happening to me. It's like all the shit in my bowels went through sublimation. There is so much gas in me I feel like a whoopie cushion.

Adanna: are you on drugs

Quinn: trey do you need someone to talk to

Trey: yes school is starting on September 1st and i'm freaking out

Quinn: no, i mean, about what you said before that

Trey: i found that on reddit 

Adanna: what reddit threads are you looking at lmao

Dvir: you guys are awake?

Alex: yeah lol

Dvir: since when did Alex say "lol?"

Alex: since now stfu

Dvir: oh... ok

Trey: why do we have to go back to early

Trey: can't we go back in like, I don't know, March?

Trey: oh wait, that's my birthday month

Trey: what about April

Trey: yeah april's good

Veronica: UGH! You idiot! Then we'll only have 3 months of school!

Trey: you're right. there should be 0


Trey: Y-y-y-you h-h-h-h-hurt my fweelings 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔

Veronica: I DON'T CARE *hair flip*

Quinn: this is like a Disney movie

Trey: there's always those 3 mean girls and the "different," new girl that always gets picked on. she has a crush on the most popular guy in school and they start dating at the end.


Dan: ...hi

Adanna: no


Nikolai: Hewo! UwU

Nikolai: I mean

Nikolai: sup losers

Omar: I was watching The Simpson's

Mateo: my dad doesn't allow me to watch The Simpson's

Mateo: my mommy makes me go to bed at 7:00 PM but says if I can't fall asleep I can go down and watch TV. I'm watching Coraline and it's scaring me


Mateo: STOP

Omar: Shut up, Trey

Mateo: i just peed my pants

Elaina: please keep that to yourself

Mateo: I'm keeping you guys updated

Mateo: I just made a puddle on the couch

Dan: ummmmm...

Jordan: how far into the movie are you?

Mateo: 5 minutes. I'm already so scared

Mateo: I'm turning it off

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