The Onset of Dreams

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Hello everyone, this is my first attempt at a fanfic and I'm honestly not sure of my capabilities. I've been wanting to do this for awhile and I'm now dipping my toes into the water. For reference, I will signal the beginning and ending of dreams with a small break line "_" or underscore because I don't want to write dreams fully in italics. If anything is confusing or you have better suggestions I'm open to them in the comments. Okay! I hope you enjoy. Also, I apologize in advance for any errors. I'm doing this by myself.

     Dororo's first unusual dream happened at the age of eleven. In the middle of the day, Dororo had traveled to the Biwamaru Books and Things to pass time close to her house while she awaited her mother to come home from work.  Biwamaru's bookstore was small and cozy and Dororo had become a frequenting visitor at the onset of 6th grade. After sidling up on one of the old recliners near the back of the store with a book that caught her eye, she read until slowly her eyes drifted and her consciousness faded into a rem state. 


I'm selling knock off goods in the marketplace and charming my bystanders with flattering words and convincing details to snag a dime to feed me supper.  The villagers slowly gather round as I lay out a silken-like cloth, a vase, and a few other trinkets. I bend towards my spread on the road near the town and present  my goods, "Step right up and feast your eyes on these goods straight from the capital!" My enthusiasm is enough to reel in a few shoppers, and I began marketing the silken cloth as material once used by a princess from a distant land.

In the middle of my storytelling, I attract the attention of a cynical bunch of burly men who have confronted me before for my shameless lying and my fake goods. As they approach me my brows furrow in frustration as they have no qualms messing with a young boy....girl.  I better run for it, I guess I'll have to set up in the next town over. 

The chase is exhilarating and my naïve mind doubts that they can catch up to me as I'm small and swift.  I was so wrong. I barely make it to a nearby river before their leader grabs me by the collar and proceeds to hold me up while his goons deliver blow after blow to punish me for my crimes. I'm angry and aching from the onslaught but the men are huge and I can't physically stop them.

Finally, the leader throws me on the ground, "Get it through your thick skill, we'll kill you if we see you ripping us or anyone else off again."

I can feel the dirt on my face from the landing and my fringe clings to my forehead and sides of my face. I glance up to see a decent sized rock by my left hand. As the man continues to lecture me gruffly, I carefully wrap my hand around the rock and wait until I can hurl it at his ugly face.  Secured and ready to fling, I quickly flip around and launch the rock and it hits him square in the forehead. I probably shouldn't have done that. His lackeys descend upon me once more, but this time I'm on the ground and they deliver harsh kicks from both sides. I can feel my teeth scrape my inner cheeks as I'm jostled around roughly from the abuse. Blood splatters from my mouth as they continue and I pray for them to die slowly.

I'm hurt but not defeated.

I protest loudly, "You guys can go to hell!"

They pause momentarily and I grab another rock and hurl it towards their leader again. This time it hits him in his right eye and I know I've enraged him further. He yelps in pain and then stomps towards me. Yanking me up by my collar again, he slams my face into the river in an attempt to drown me. My nose burns. My throat is flooded and I'm flailing for oxygen. He yanks my face up by tugging my hair and I realize he has paused because his goons have pulled his attention away from me. I blink painfully as air fills my lungs and the sting of water resonates in my nose and throat. I'm heaving as my ears slowly distinguish their words.

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