Elina, the wingless fairy

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"Anyone else feel strange that we're the only humans around here?" Sunset asked as they all fell onto a flower, noticing all the fairies flying around. 

"Well..." Pinkie pointed to the distance, where they could see a fairy resting on a flower. "Time to run!"

The Equestria Girls took off, and after a few minutes of running, noticed a girl on the flower, only she didn't have any wings. A strange fuzzy creature slept next to her as she watched the fairies above her fly in the sky without a care in the world. 

That's when a couple of tiny pixies flew up to the girl.

"Hey Elina," one of them said in a mean tone. "What do you call a fairy without wings?"

The girl—Elina—grit her teeth together, like she dealt with this all her life.

"Nothing," the pixie laughed, causing every Equestria Girl but Pinkie to take a step back in shock. "Who would wanna call a wingless 'fairy?'"

That's when they noticed the newcomers. 

"Look!" the pixie pointed to them. "There's more!"

"They don't even look like any fairy," another pixie snickered, flying up to Rainbow Dash. "I mean, she looks like a rainbow fairy, but that's about it. Either way, I see eight things wrong here in the Magic Meadow."

"Just hush, you brats!" Rainbow Dash spat. "You wanna do this in public?"

She held out her fists. 

But before any fighting could ensue, a large gust of wind blew the pixies away, and they saw a fairy with bright yellow wings furiously fluttering them. 

"Don't let them get to you," the fairy said once she stopped. "I've had to do that I don't know how many times for Elina."

"Thanks, Dandelion," Elina said. "At least I'm not the only wingless fairy in the Magic Meadow anymore."

"I thought we were in Fairytopia," Twilight pushed her glasses up her nose. 

"We are in Fairytopia," Elina said. 

"Wait, but you just said we were in the Magic Meadow," Twilight replied. 

"We're in both," Dandelion giggled. "The Magic Meadow is one of the seven regions of Fairytopia."

"Okay, that makes more sense," Twilight said. 

No one said anything for a while. 

"I'm Elina," Elina said. "And this is my friend Dandelion."

"I'm Pinkie Pie, and these are my friends Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy."

Dandelion gasped, ducking behind Elina. 

"Is Fluttershy a butterfly fairy?" she asked, suddenly worried. 

"Uh... no," Fluttershy said. "Why do you think that?"

"Probably because you have a butterfly barrette in your hair and butterflies on your dress," Sunset shrugged. 

"But I'm not a butterfly fairy," Fluttershy reassured. "What even are those?"

"It's a long story," Elina said. "But yeah, it sucks knowing you're different from everyone else."

Sunset could relate to that. As far as she knew, she was the only unicorn in the human world. And while she was a human, a part of her still reminded her that she would never be like the rest simply because she used to be from a pony dimension. And while she didn't dare tell anyone, a tiny part of her wished she was just a regular human girl, with no connections to her unicorn self. While she didn't know it yet, she and Elina related on that a lot, considering Elina wanted nothing but to be normal like the rest of the fairies and have wings as well. 

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