❀ - "Love at a Crumbling Church"

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POV : Ruv


Sarvente glared down at the small blue haired boy as she sang the last lines of her song, Gospel. I looked around as the columns were turning to dust before my eyes. I turned my head around to look for the quickest exit, that was my first course of action. The door was still completely open, that was the first chance, and there was a broken window I could jump through..

A long singular note was held as the two finished the song. Blyat, why did she have to sing a song right when the church was crumbling!?? I uncomfortably shifted my weight to hurry to Sarv. "Sarv, if we don't leave now, we'll be crushed..!" I told her. Though in her demonic state, she seemed to suddenly snap into reality and look around.

To my surprise, she quickly picked me up to rush me out of the church. I fumbled around in her grip slightly, kind of caught off guard. "Ruv, this got out of hand, I didn't mean for it to.. what i'm trying to say is sorry.. I risked your safety to get back at yet another kid trying to piss us off."

I looked at Sarv. Why did she apologize? It wasn't her fault.. it was his fault. That blue haired squirrel with a microphone and his rather.. oddly familiar girlfriend. They brought this upon us.

The rush of air in my face was slightly painful.. I was passing out. "Don't appologize, it.. Was his.. Fault.." I tried to speak roughly.

"Ruv you're passing out.." she told me. I couldn't exactly answer to the quickest of my abilities. "I.. know...." I voiced. She looked concerned. "Ruv stay awake! This is kind of the worst time to faint!" she told me. I could only hold conciousness for about thirty more seconds before ultimately succuming to my fate.




I woke up to the sight of someone new. Before I fully announced I was awake, I listened into conversation I heard. "Cmon Carol, there has to be something I can do to pay you back for housing us.." Sarv pushed.

"Well, you could watch all my Adam Sandler movies with me," the girl Sarv was talking to smiled. Sarv looked at her, confused. "...who's that?" she asked.

"..We have much to discuss." She simply responded.

"Carol please tell me you aren't forcing someone to watch every Adam Sandler movie you have again." The person holding me asked. Carol wafted her hand. "She wants to do this." She answered. "Cmon, the faster we start, the faster you'll love him." Carol said.

"Oh- uh alright- Whitty, don't mind if Ruv gives you the cold shoulder, thats normal for him!.." Sarv quickly followed after Carol. While I was observing, I hadn't noticed I was straight up hugging the stranger.

I rolled onto my side and yawned as if I was waking up. "Oh hey, you're awake!.. You were out for a good three hours." Whitty told me. Three hours?? Blyat, i'm so lucky Sarv isn't hurt..

"...Is.. Sarv okay at least?" I asked, trying to sound like I wasn't awake beforehand. "Well if watching all of Carol's Adam Sandler movies is okay, then shes fantastic. Personally, i'd consider it to be a death wish." Whitty stood up and went to the kitchen, grabbing something.

My immidiate thought was that he's gonna get a knife and try to kill me.. I shivered, looking for something to use as a weapon.

I just decided to use my hands. That would be easier. Suddenly when I looked up, Whitty was staring at me. "..Yo, why you standin like that? You look like you're about to beat Ryu's ass." he told me, taking a cigarette out of the drawer.

"..Nothing.. I.. Just jittery is all." I sat back down. ".. Whatever, you want anything?" he asked. I thought for a moment.



"..Do you have any vodka? This whole thing would blow over faster if I had some.." I answered solumnly. Whitty shrugged and opened the door of the fridge.

"...You're in luck, we've got a few bottles from that last perty we held.." Whitty got a bottle out and handed it to me, while lighting his cigarette. "I'll be on the balcony if you need me." Whitty went out a small door with a window..

I looked at the bottle and then at the door. Something drew me to him. I don't know what it was, the fact he was holding me earlier...how he got vodka for me.. How he was kind to me after I practically almost attacked him.

I stood up and went towards the door, opening it. Whitty blew a dark cloud of smoke and stared into the brightened city of black and bright lights. I stared for a moment, only to shake my head and go up to his side.
that was kinda weird but.. It doesn't mean I like him, right?

I laid my arms on the balcony fence and opened the bottle, drinking from it. The burning feeling in my throat was one of my favorite about vodka. I leaned against my arms as Whitty stared at me. "..do you need something?" Whitty asked. "..no.. Just company." I concluded.

Whitty seemingly understood. He nodded and blew another puff of smoke, and I drank along with him.. Though we might have just met, the silence we exchanged was like Sarv and I's.. Only slightly different. Not enough of a difference to make me uncomfortable.

I closed my eyes again after I finished the bottle, not realising how tired I was.

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