12) Nightmare

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Yoongi jolted in his movements.

Time froze as his eyes went still, heart beating rapidly against his chest. He couldn't hear the groans around him but only that whimpering sound. The same whimpering voice he heard one month ago. That whimper he ignored that time but won't right then.

Yoongi turned around instantly. And that sight he was met with made his heart break into pieces. Seeing the younger curled into a ball, silently whimpering pierced his heart several times. He could feel his heart aching so badly seeing him in that state. All he wanted at the moment was to embrace Jimin into his arms and comfort him. But as his heart told him to do so, that mind still had hesitancy to step ahead. A wave of conflicts raised in his mind but as he heard another whimper from the younger, he knew it wasn't a time for conflicting with his mind and heart.

And Yoongi followed his heart......

He immediately ran to the sobbing male and crouched near him keeping a distance between them. Jimin's head was tucked inside his two legs which were pulled up with his two arms resting on it. He was shaking every now and then as his cries got louder.

"Jimin", Yoongi called in a soft voice. His eyes fixated on the younger suppressing his own tears to come out seeing his vulnerable state.

Upon hearing that voice, Jimin slowly lifted his head up, and finally, when his eyes met those chocolate brown eyes which held so much care and concern for him, he finally broke,


Yoongi without any second thoughts enveloped the younger into a tight hug radiating all his warmth to the sobbing boy. He held him as much closer to his chest tucking the younger's head under his chin rubbing his back gently. He could feel the younger's whole body shaking with fear. And at that moment he just wanted to rip those men's bodies into pieces. He closed his eyes to control the anger and whipped his whole attention on the younger who was crying on his chest.

He could feel his heart feeling like a burden seeing the vulnerable state of the younger. At the moment he just wished he could take all his pains and miseries away and bring all sorts of happiness to him. Even though that thought came out without him knowing, his tightened hold on the younger told otherwise. He hugged with so much care not knowing the younger was finding his safe place inside those arms. 

And if five pairs of eyes were shedding tears seeing Jimin sobbing inside Yoongi's arms, they knew it wasn't sad tears. In fact, happy ones knowing that finally, a cold heart was melting because of a broken heart.

Realizing that cold heart was going to heal that broken heart.


" Ple--ase do-nt hu-rt me", Jimin please with teary eyes stepping back as two men walked towards him eying him up and down lustfully. One of them smirked.

"Don't worry cute one. We won't do anything if you give us what we want willingly". The man said in a lusty tone that Jimin started shaking in fear

"Do-n't do th-is plea-se. I'm be-g-g-ing y-ou". His voice was cracking terribly as he sobbed helplessly walking backwards but soon his back hit the wall. 

The coldness of the wall could be felt behind him, frightening him badly as he looked at the two men approaching him with dirty smirks. He was helpless at the point and only whimpers were heard echoing in the room as he watched them getting closer. 


"Do-n-t do this"


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