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mean girl meets the woman of her dreams plus the toxicity

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mean girl meets the woman of her dreams plus the toxicity

there is something about the way you talk like northern lights from my first class seat forever like the most beautiful sunset from my mexican beach house.

you drip honey from your lips and cherish me with those pretty words of yours, i am your slave MY LADY. when you lift your eyes to look at me reading shakespeare and that smile dangling through your rosy red lips and your hair covering my face.

we crinkle in the windy october and you tell me you like this guy you just met and i hold back my tears we were never meant to be.about what we had that it was just a trial and a flavor of dried ocean and he was the rain in your soil.

you threw the vases and the plates, you burnt your cigarette on my book and clear it was for i am blind you were mine but all was a sip of expired wine, toxic.

scared of you i let you go, in my love.

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