Nouis #1 (Just Five Minutes.)

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'Kay, so (Once again) I wrote this a long time ago so it's another shitty one shot. Also this is one of my favorite prompts just because it's cute in my opinion, plus it has random kissing, so yeah.


Request from: My Brain.

Prompt: Niall cuts to deal with hate and during a concert Louis comes in to find Niall doing it but he waits until they're alone to talk about it. Niall has slight feelings for Lou and vice versa.

Characters(Main Ship): Nouis.

Type: Famous Fan-Fic One Shot thing.

Warnings: Slight trigger warning and character tears/sadness.


Let's get started! Note: I went a little off track when writing this, so i didn't follow the prompt exactly but it's pretty damn close so.... Also For an added dramatic effect I had a lot of tears shed... So yeah...ONWARD READER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Five minutes, that's all I need. Just five little minutes. I rushed to the dressing room. Five minutes, that's not all that long. We have five minutes to spare right? Of course, besides the lads can go on stage without me if I run a little late. Right? I slipped into my dressing room and ran straight for the loo. I was mentally thanking whoever thought of the idea to separate our rooms individually. I looked at myself in the mirror as the words flashed through my mind.






The signs and posters were there too, reminding me of everything they thought of me.

'Niall's a fat pig'

'Fake wanna-be Irish arse.'

'I love you Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam!'

'Go home Niall WHORE-an!'

'Niall who? Who cares?'

'Hazz, Boobear, Lima Bean, DJ Malik! You're perfect!!'

There were a few more, and some weren't as bad as the others. And I won't say there wasn't some out there that were sweet to me. But It was few and far between. I closed my eyes. The boys saw them but never said anything. I think they were hoping I didn't see them. I never showed any emotion towards them like I did in the beginning. I learned to deal with it myself. I didn't want to bother them like I did back then. I didn't want to give the fans anything else to use against me. The last thing I needed was to be called a crybaby.

"I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry." I silently chanted to myself as my eyes began to prick with light tears.

I glanced up at the clock after I blinked back the tears threatening to spill. The lads and I will need to be back on stage in two minutes. I wasted too much time thinking, and not enough doing. Quickly I fumbled through my pockets and pulled out my little X-acto Knife blade and a few band-aids. Minute and a half. Shit. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I didn't know I closed them. Nerves. I can't rush. If I do, I'll cut too deep and I don't have time to clean up that mess. Once I was calmed down enough, I pushed my jeans over my pale hip. I ran my fingertips over the many faint lines and dashes that covered the skin above the bone. My hip was the only place that no one but me could see. It was hidden from the fans and the boys, anyone really, unlike some common locations for this. It was discreet enough that if someone did see me change, they either didn't see it at all or only got a glance.

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