Narry #1 (Vampire)

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'Kay, so I wrote this a long time ago so it's pretty much shit. But hey, I need something to open this collection up so here. By the way, I'll set up all my one shots pretty much the same way, so yeah.
Request from: My Brain.
Prompt: There really wasn't one, I'm just simply obsessed with both vampire stories and One Direction so this is the offspring of that.
Characters(Main Ship): Narry.
Type: Vampire!Harry AU.
Warnings: SMUT. (Horribly written amateur smut but smut nonetheless)
So yeah, let's get started shall we? Note: These are my own Vampire standards so that means Harry can walk in the sun, eat garlic if he pleases and his eyes aren't red, they're green. They glow when he is either feeding or hungry so yeah. Also he's not pale...well not anymore pale than he is now. So...onward reader!
I paced the kitchen floor of my 16th century home, waiting for my boyfriend, Harry, to get back from whatever the hell he was doing. It was nearly midnight and he hasn't come home yet. I bit my nails down to the nub as I continued pacing, worrying about him. Not that he was unable to keep himself safe at night, but I always worry someone will see him and hurt him. After all it's not everyday you see a 500 year old lad walking around dense, dark forest in the middle of midnight....chasing deer for fun....with long sharp fangs...And if that wasn't enough to worry me, he hasn't eaten all day and he's probably starving. Oh God I'm freaking myself out. Calm down Ni, he's fine, just running a bit late. It wasn't until I heard our front door open with a slight creak and heavy footsteps that I stopped pacing and stood silent. I grabbed a lantern and walked to the entryway to greet the only other person that has a key to said to our front door.

You see, due to the fact that Harry has been living in this very house since he was born over 500 years ago we don't have electricity...or running bath water...or heat...really we have a furnished house and that's about it. I've begged and begged for all of these necessities but he simply shrugs me off saying 'We have lanterns for light, a water fall down the creek for water and a shit load of blankets for warmth. We don't need anyone coming here and discovering our little secret now do we' which might I say pisses me off BECAUSE I NEED A PROPER SHOWER GOD DAMN IT! but that's besides the point. The point is, Harry just walked into our house, sopping wet from the downpour that currently going on outside and shivering like mad, looking at me with a guilty expression of his adorable face. At this point I was tired and just wanted to go to bed, but the drenched man standing in front of me was getting in the way of that needless to say I was a little more it then pissed.

"And where have you been?" I questioned.

I wanted Harry to know I was upset. I should've been in bed hours ago but no, he had to stay out late and cause me to worry my little Irish arse off. I don't think he understands, I fucking love sleeping, and he deprives me of just that.

"I'm sorry Ni. I am, I lost track of time, lost myself in my thoughts while I was walking and forgot you were still up. Please don't be too upset with me," He smiled, showing off his dimples.

I rolled my eyes at him and set the lantern down on the hall tree. The small lantern made the space around us glow. I stepped forward and gave Harry a light kiss on the nose before taking his coat to the washtub.

"Come on, let's get you out those clothes before you get sick." I said turning to walk upstairs, lantern in hand.

I heard Harry fallow behind me, chuckling as he did. I smiled and rolled my eyes once again at his childishness.

"Did my little blonde boy worry about me?" Harry smirked as we walked into our shared bedroom.

I moved to our closest after I set the lantern of our bedside table and began rummaging through it as Harry stepped down to his boxers. I found what I need at threw the selected clothing at Harry as he stood.
"Come on, those too." I said referring to his boxers, as I threw him a new pair.

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