chapter 18

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Danny's driving back home was noticeably slower, more careful and calculated. Even though i closed my eyes and leaned against the center console, groaning quietly from the motion sickness.

"Are you alright, love?" He asked, affectionately rubbing my knee with his free hand.

"Just nausea.." i sighed, rubbing my temple.

"Don't worry dear, it'll pass." He chuckled, and smiled lovingly at me. I caught the look and my hand fell to gently rest on the top of my stomach.

I'm actually pregnant. I almost couldn't believe it. Even if it was only a few weeks in, i couldn't imagine wanting anything more.

"Danny.." i put the hand that supported my head on his hand that rested on my knee.

"Yes, love?" He turned his hand over, lacing his fingers with mine.

"What are we gonna do about Joseph, now?" I looked at him curiously, leaning my head back on the head rest.

"Dont worry about that right now, love. You just worry about resting, when you feel better we'll talk more about it." He sighed, rubbing my hand with his.

"Alright..if you say so, Danny." I was too tired to argue. He drove quietly, allowing me some peace, i hadn't even noticed what was passing by until Daniel cursed and slammed on the brakes, my eyes flew open as his arm clamped down across my chest, pushing me into the seat and taking my breath all at once.

"Goddamnit!" He cried, and jumped out of the car. I blinked and looked around, what the fuck just happened? A black car was parked directly in front of us and Danny was yelling at the driver. I slowly struggled to get out from my side to hear better, and Danny turned around to look at me.

"Are you okay, love?" He asked, worry and a hint of fear creasing his eyes.

"I...I'm fine, what happened?"

"This idiot was texting and ran the light, so we almost hit him!" He growled, snapping at the smaller man, who sheepishly looked at the road.

"I..I'm sorry." The smaller man squeaked out.

"You'd have been very sorry if you had actually hit us." Danny snarled, and went back to the car, circling around to my side of the car and taking my face in his hands, soothing my rapid heart beat.

"Are you sure you're okay? We can go right back to the doctor if you think something's wrong." He mumbled, gently resting his hand against my stomach.

"I'm fine..we're fine. I promise." I put my hand over his and patted it gently. I could hear the driver of the other car cursing to himself.

"Sit down in the car, darling. I don't want you on your feet too much." He gently guided me by my hand back into the car, and i let out a stressed breath. The ball of anxiety weighing in my chest made me sick again.

I watched as Danny glanced at the man's license plate on his way into the car. The driver of the other car peeled out of the intersection as Danny hopped back in his own and slammed the door beside him. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel and pressed the gas pedal with a little more force than was necessary to get going. He stared with a clenched jaw at the road ahead, trying to focus on just getting home without any more incident.

"Danny, are you okay?" I asked, breaking the silence. He puffed a heavy sigh through his nose and nodded.

"Im not hurt if that's what you mean. I was just more worried about you." He said, peeling his right hand from the wheel and setting his elbow against the console.

"I mean, are you okay?" I raised an eyebrow at him as i took his hand, and he smirked a little, letting an amused sound through.

"You know me too well, dollface. I was thinking about hunting him down and giving him a little scare, maybe..." Danny eyed the road where we lived and pulled into it.

"Danny..." i sighed, "as nice as it would be to teach him a lesson, we have other priorities."

"I know, i know..our number one is making sure you're feeling better." He took my hand and brought it into his lap, holding it there until we pulled into the garage.


Daniel paced back and forth in the kitchen. He cleaned up any little random bits of stuff left out from packing, he planned on just sending thier stuff on ahead. His house in Salem was finally ready, it was just waiting. He dashed back and forth around the kitchen and living room, trying to find anything else to do, to distract himself.

He couldn't stop fuming over that idiot driver. His red, puffy eyes indicated he was either hung over or high, he was texting, and he ran a red light. He almost hit his car with his pregnant girlfriend inside. That was the one that really got under his skin. Not even a couple hours after finding out, and she could have gotten in an accident. He blamed himself for not being more vigilant, but the same voice also was grateful that he had seen the car in time. He put his head in his hands and leaned against the countertop, taking a moment to pause.

He was really going to be a father. He looked at his box of keepsakes, his own father resting inside reminded him of how terrified he was of fathers, the abuse and neglect he'd suffered as a child manifested into the distaste for children of his own, he never wanted to be a father. How could he expect to be a good one when he's never had a good role model to figure off of? What does a good father look like? Definitely not a murderer.
He pondered his situation and potential options and outcomes, most ending miserably or in disaster. He paced around the room as he thought, manic in his planning.

What if leaving gave them the best chance? His heart ached at the very thought, he fought hard trying not to picture her with thier baby and not with him, but failing. It sent a wave of insanity through him. He wouldn't abandon them. He couldn't live without her again. He flopped down on the sofa and sighed.

What am i going to do? He thought, staring at the ceiling.

He closed his eyes and debated for a moment, the only option he could take was staying by her side, and protecting her.

He just hoped they had enough time. Salem was calling, and he was feeling more on edge by the day. They needed to leave before any potential suspicion fell on them.

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