I Need Your Help

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Our time away in Cornwall was so needed. As every day passed I could tell Jo relaxed a little more than the last and in turn, I did too. City life really can get a lot and it's easy to let it get to you. But getting away from London, just for two weeks has given Jo and I the respite we needed. And Willow was a little dream for the whole trip. Both with Jo and I. She really warmed to her mum much more than she has in the past. It's so surprising, but her mornings on the beach with her really seemed to help.

I couldn't help but wonder where they went the first morning she took her and admittedly I did gatecrash it but hearing Jo tell Willow about us, I fell in love with her just a little more and it completely solidified what our next step is. I want her to be mine. In every way possible. My other, better half, my wife. Just the thought of her walking to me in a white dress fills me with warmth and pride. If and that's a big if, Jo says yes, I'll be able to call her my wife. My best friend, the mother of my child and my wife. The first thing I have to do though is get us back to London and concoct a plan with my sister on getting her a ring... because I'm clueless in that department.

"Ready to go?" Jo closes the cottage door over, holding Willow in her arms and joins our hands together. I've packed the car up and have just finished placing the last bag in the boot.

"Yeah, let's go home," I pull her lips to mine and guide the both of them to the car. Opening the door for Jo, she places a kiss on Willow's forehead before placing her into the car seat. She just watches her mum carefully, waiting for her to finish.

"All done, sweetheart," she checks the straps and closes the door. Before letting Jo get into the car, I take hold of her hands and smile down at her.

"Have you had a nice time, love?" Reaching up, her hand cupping my cheek, she tips herself up onto her tiptoes and joins our lips. I feel her smile against mine before she pulls away.

"I've loved it. Almost as much as I love you,"

"Really? And how much is that?"

"A lot," placing one last chaste kiss on her lips, I open the door for her and let her get in so I can get us back home.

About halfway back to London, Willow's cries fill the car and luckily as we were so close to a service station, I managed to pull in just in time for Jo to jump in the back to feed her before it was all-out carnage.

"Nice timing, love," she nods, smiling down as Willow latches on and settles instantly. Jo lays her head back against the seat and her eyes close. I turn round in the seat, watching the two of them. There's no one else for me, apart from her. I suppose it's always been that way since we were kids. Sure, we had our flings, boyfriends, girlfriends, meaningless sex and regrets but all of that has led us to this and personally speaking I wouldn't have it any other way.

"What are you thinking about?" Jo breaks me out of my thoughts about our history so I just shake my head, focusing on them again in the back of the car.

"Nothing love. Fancy getting some food when she's done,"

"Yeah that sounds good," I'd love nothing more than to just hold her as I used to while she feeds Willow, but in the constraints of a full, packed car, I can't. So I'll settle for just watching and waiting.

About twenty minutes later, Willow's now finished feeding and as we've got out of the car, Jo passed her over for winding duties.

"Winding duties are still daddy's job. I just feed her," I take hold of Willow and lay her against my chest on her front, her small head resting to the side on my shoulder.

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