14. so it goes

225 36 74

Song of the chapter is
Secret by The Pierces

-Veronica D'Rosario-

-14--Veronica D'Rosario--Present-

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Delmore High
14 November, 2030
7:56 pm.

The soaring cheers and hoots from everyone around engulfed me in a bubble that I never wanted to break.

For the first time in years, my heart felt genuinely happy.

And the credit definitely belonged to my friends.

Whether it was Kartik and Saina's random loud cheers or Zoya's incredible dancing skills, everything had managed to bring a huge smile on my face all evening.

The cultural programs arranged by the organising committee was definitely the highlight of the evening. Zoya had been unable to keep herself from getting up and dancing like a kid at every single item. After a series of those, we were finally able to get some "us" time during the little snack break that the organising committee had planned.

As I watched Zoya and Kartik argue for the unteempth time on who would be the one to bring the other one a drink, I decided to get one myself.

God knows these two could act like such siblings!

As I walked towards the counter where they were serving cocktails, I was met with a not-so familiar face.

I watched as Dhrashti, Moose's fiance, moved her gaze up and down slowly in a way that felt like she was judging me or my outfit. I suddenly started feeling incredibly self conscious.

Fixing the strap of my dress, I gave her a small smile before asking the person behind the counter for a virgin mojito.

"So... you're Veronica..." She uttered coyly, as she took a sip of her drink. "Am I right?"

I gave her a tight lipped smile in response.

"You were close friends with....my fiance, right?"

I felt like I could step on a lego at any moment. "I was....yeah."

"So how did you two...meet?" She placed the question ever so loftly, emphasizing on the last word.

"Uh..." I removed a strand of my hair behind my ear, only for my palms to come in touch with the beads of sweat forming on my forehead. "We had.... mutual friends."

Which wasn't partly untrue. Ahaan was afterall the one who had introduced me to Himanshu officially.

But I couldn't tell her that I knew her fiance from even before that,
now could I?

She made a scoffing noise. "Figured."

"I'm sorry...?"

"I mean...no offense, but you don't seem like someone he'd be friends with. You both....belong to very different cliques that's all."

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