The secrets of the dragons part 1

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The secrets of the dragons was originally created by Trainboy 11 on YouTube.                                     
I am going to try and improve upon it because the original felt unfinished.

It was morning on the island of Sodor and all the engines were hard at work as usual.
At a station Thomas the tank engine was waiting for a train from another railway. Unfortunately this train was running late. Finally it pulled in.

 Finally it pulled in

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(The blue one)

"You took your time" said Thomas. "This is the third time you've been late"
"I took a long time getting up steam" Said the engine.
A while ago a new station had been built on Thomas's branch line to connect with a smaller railway that wasn't doing as well.
"Your just lucky I'm a guaranteed connection"
"We'll my railway is just as important as yours" said the engine. "I don't care if its smaller"

Then the Guard blew his whistle.
"Well, I'm off" said Thomas as he hurried off to make up for lost time.
Once he was gone the other train started.
"Just you wait Thomas" it said. "One day you'll be the one looking up to me, trust me, I know engines"


Gordon was waiting at Killaban for Thomas's passengers

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Gordon was waiting at Killaban for Thomas's passengers.
"14, 15, 16, 17" counted Gordon as Thomas approached.
"Practicing your numbers are you Gordon?" Said Thomas. "There's a good engine"
"I'm counting how many seconds late you were Thomas" said Gordon. "What does that sign say?"
"Sodor Railway. Really reliable and right on time" read out Thomas.
"Pah" said Gordon quietly
"Signed, the head of the railway, Sir Topham Hat"
"We'll you weren't right on time" said Gordon.
"Come on Gordon" said Thomas. "17 seconds isn't that bad"
"Y-know Thomas, it is important that us big engines always stay right on time too"
"Well little engines can do big things Gordon" replied Thomas. "Even if we're not built for it"
"Big ones supposed to be coming back soon and he says he's going to help us running the railway"
"Out of my way!" Came a voice as Diesel 10 thundered by spraying dust on Gordon and Thomas. "I have to finish a job and I'm late!"
Gordon wobbled and rattled
"D-D-Diesel T-T-Ten" said Gordon.
"Yes, ten out of ten, I wish he wouldn't keep doing that" said Thomas.
"Sometimes, I just don't know about that engine Thomas" said Gordon.
"We'll he can be rough and surprising" said Thomas. "But he's clearly a changed engine if you got to know him"

Just then the guard blew his whistle.
"We'll, time to go" said Thomas. His driver blew Thomas's whistle, opened the regulator and Thomas was off.
"See you Gordon"
"Remember to be on time next time" called back Gordon.


Thomas chuffed happily along to himself. The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
"Another beautiful day" said Thomas to himself. "...I wonder why do we always get so many of those?"
Just then Thomas was diverted left, onto a disused line.
"Uh Oh, I'm on the wrong line!"
Thomas broke through a wooden barrier. Thomas had only just enough time to read what it had said. "Danger. Unstable ground. Engine's must not past this board". Thomas had passed a danger sign before and had fallen down a mine, he didn't want that to happen again. Worse of all, their were workers up ahead removing the old track and he was going too fast.

His driver applied the brakes but Thomas's wheels just slipped on the leaves.
"I've got to stop-I've got to stop" he said as workers jumped out of the way, luckily he began to slow down with the help of the guard applying the brakes. He stopped with his front wheels on the edge of the rail. Luckily he hadn't hit anyone.

Just then the ground began to sag underneath Thomas.
Before anyone could do anything the ground under the track collapsed and Thomas fell in along with Annie and Clarabelle.


Thomas landed on a pile of rocks which began to give way. 

The rocks then began to roll down the slope turning into a landslide, carrying Thomas and the coaches with them. "Woah, woah, woah!" Cried Thomas as they were nearing the bottom of the slope. Luckily the landslide was slowing down. Just then Thomas hit a rock jutting out from the ground and flew into the air. "Argh!" Thomas and the coaches cried.

Thomas finally landed on solid ground.
Everyone took a few moments to catch their breath.
"Is everyone OK?" Asked Thomas.
"We think so" said Annie and Clarabelle wearily.

His lamp flickered on, illuminating the surroundings. They appeared to be in some form of cavern.
He then saw something and gasped.

Hanging from the ceiling of the cavern was a big scroll with a drawing of a dragon on it. Surrounding the dragon was strange writing.

 Surrounding the dragon was strange writing

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"Fizzling fireboxes" said Thomas.

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