The Secret Railway (Female Controller Reader)/Lady tells a lie

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Thomas and Lady were shunting at the big station. It was a lovely day. 

"So" said Thomas. "What work have you got today?" 

"Taking a load of stone from the quarry to the docks, then helping out at the lumber yard, and lots of other jobs. I've got a busy day today" answered Lady. 

"I'm mostly shunting here," said Thomas. "It makes a change, but some of the bigger engines do tease me about it. 

"Thomas!" called Gordon. "You haven't shunted my coaches!" 

"Thomas then panicked realising that he hadn't shunted the express coaches and it was soon to be the hour. He raced towards them.

Unfortunately, Thomas buffered the coaches too fast, they rushed forward and crashed through a wall. "Oops" he said quietly. 

Later (Y/N) the controller came to speak to Thomas as the mess was being cleared up.

"Thomas I am disappointed" said (Y/N). "I thought you knew better then to hurry"

"You will stay in the shed until I can trust you again" she added.

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am," said Thomas, felling very sorry for himself. 

Lady saw this and took pity.

"Actually ma'am, it was my fault" she said.

Thomas was surprised. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow "I am surprised Lady, I thought you would take more care shunting".  

"I'm sending you to jacks goods station to reacquaint yourself with shunting, Thomas, after this mess is cleared up, I want you do Ladys work as well as your own"

"Yes ma'am," said Thomas. (Y/N) turned and walked away".

"You didn't have to do that" said Thomas to Lady. 

"I know, but it was just an accident," said lady.

So, Thomas continued shunting in the yard, and Lady went to Jacks goods station. 

When Lady arrived Diesel 10, Edward and James were already there. 

"We're glad you're here Lady" said Diesel 10. "We could use an extra pair of buffers" 

"Don't cause any accidents" called James as he left with a goods train. 

"I'll be alright," said Lady. "It was Thomas who had the accident".

"Diesel 10 was surprised. "Then why did he blame it on you?" 

"He didn't, I took the blame for him," said Lady. 

"That will come back to bite you" warned Edward. "Lying isn't a very honest thing to do"

"I know," said Lady. "But it felt like the right thing to do at the time" 

Lady and the others worked well together. They shunted coaches and trucks for the rest of the week. 

Even so she was glad when the inspector came to tell her she was able to go back 

"You will be double heading with Thomas' goods train, he's waiting at the harbour" the inspector said. "Yes sir" said Lady. She wondered what Thomas would say when they met up again 

When Lady arrived at the harbour, she found Thomas waiting at the goods platform, he looked exhausted. 

"Are you alright?" asked Lady. 

"I did all your work as quickly as I could" he said. "I wanted to make it up to you for taking the blame"

"Well thank you Thomas," said Lady as she backed down in front of Thomas. "But you should really be more careful, it's about how well you do your work, not how much work you get done". And with that the two set off.

What Lady didn't know was in Thomas' haste he had put a Bogie Bolster in the middle of the train, which could cause the train to derail.

The train was a fast freight for the mainland. The only stop being at the station just before the rolling bridge to fill their tanks. Thomas and Lady were making excellent time. 

They were approaching the second station before the last station when Lady saw the signal diverting them onto the slow line.

"Thomas!" cried Lady "We're being shunted!"

Both engines braked hard. This caused the trucks to bump into each other. "Oh! Ow!" they cried.

"Woah!" cried the bogie bolster as it bounced up and got caught on the rear buffers of the truck in front of it. 

"The Bogie Bolster!" cried Thomas. "It'll come off at the junction!" 

Lady then remembered some advice Edward had given her. "Keep your brakes off so the trucks will push us over the points, that'll keep the buffers close together so the trucks don't derail" 

The weight of the heavy train pushed them on, and they rocked over the points. 

Thomas and Lady applied their brakes and came to a gentle stop. They both let out a sigh of relief, it had been very close indeed. 

Back at the roundhouse. 

"I do not like my engines having accidents so frequently" (Y/N) said crossly. "Lady, you worked well in the yard, but I cannot trust you on the mainline" 

Lady looked at her buffers.

Thomas then spoke up "It was my fault ma'am, I was hurrying, I wanted to make it up to Lady after I derailed the express coaches" 

(Y/N) stared. She then turned to Lady. "Why did you cover for him?" she asked. 

"It was only a mistake," said Lady. 

(Y/N) thought for a second. "My engines tell the truth", she said. "I understand your feelings but do not approve of your actions" 

"Actions" she said impressively. "Have consequences". She turned and walked away. 

"Thank you, Lady," whispered Thomas. "For sticking up for me, I know it's gotten you into trouble and all but,"

"Thats alright Thomas," said Lady. "Thank you for owning up". 

(Y/N)'s consequences were sent to Jacks goods station. Duck took Annie and Clarabel while Stanley did Lady's work. Thomas and Lady were sent with strict instructions that Thomas was to be reminded how to shunt properly. 

Thomas and Lady worked well together, and this time Thomas worked much more carefully.  

(Please note I do not ship Thomas characters together)

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