Sodor fallout au

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(Spoiler Alert)

What if Percy didn't break his jaw?

While heading away from Killdane, we spotted what looked like to be a train off the line. On closer inspection it was actually Percy, who was derailed in a ditch.

Both henry and Edward were surprised and relived to find him. He looked like he had been crying. His front was bent out of shape but that seemed to be the most of damage he had received.

We asked Percy what had happened, he said he had been trying to make it to the main land when he was chased by engine that looked like Oliver, he had tried to get away but he had been diverted into the siding and had crashed. Then Gordon had shot by but he was trying to scream and he led the engine away.

We checked the carriages, their were a group of passengers, most had died in the crash, so had his driver and fireman.

Turns out Percy was sad about killing most of the people in the crash. We made him feel better by by telling him we were glad he was safe and that some of the passengers were still alive.

We pulled Percy back onto the track and then pulled him, Annie, Clarabel and Scruffey back to Killdane yard.

What if Henrietta was already fixed?

July 8th, 1973

While James had just shunted his coaches together for his next train Toby had arrived to take workmen to the quarry, Henrietta had just had her windows replaced and a new coat of paint. he had a talk with James who was cross that he had to shunt his own coaches.

Then the sirens blared long and loud, and the sight of the explosion lit up the sky and caused their ears to ring.

James and Toby were petrified and urged people to get into the coaches. However only half of James train was coupled together, and their was no time to grab a shunters pole and hook them together.

James yelled at Toby to push the brake coach and the last two coaches to protect the passengers. Toby did so. James pulled the coaches out of the station as fast as possible with Toby and the last 3 coaches in hot pursuit.

Toby quickly lost James and it wasn't long before the shockwave hit, shattering all the glass.

At Knapford

James pulled in, he was relived to have made it. The passengers took shelter with the others. Joseph told us that Toby had to take the other half of the train. James was cross, maybe he saw something the rest of us didn't.

An hour later Toby pulled in. He was glad to have made it. He, the coaches and Henrietta were all badly burned. His passengers also took shelter. We were able to couple James's train to him.

Turns out Sir Topham Hart was on Toby's part of the train.

What if Donald reversed?

July 4th 1973

We passed Donald who had appeared to have stopped, he had been heading the opposite way to us pulling a slow goods train.

Donald's POV

Donald was heading down the line pulling a slow goods train. Suddenly he heard an explosion, his driver immediately stopped him.

Just then Edward shot by with a passenger train, Edward cried to Donald to run. Donald was surprised, he had never seen Edward go so fast.

Then the shockwave hit nearly throwing Donald off the tracks. His driver immediately drove Donald back, whistling to warn the signal man.

July 8th 1973

We decided to try and trek back up to Tidmouth Sheds. we had completely ignored the people and engines there, so it would be at least best to look for more survivors. Hopefully, we wouldn't be too long.

On our way we found Donald, he looked traumatized and he had only half his train but he was relived to have found us. He said after we shot past he reversed after us, but he was diverted down a different line. He had made it back to the yard and had planned to hide there until help arrived. Unfortunately an engine that looked like Oliver had attacked the break van and smashed the back half of his train, he had only just managed to escape.

With him was Leonard, he wasn't feeling very good. He had stayed home on the fourth, if he didn't, who knows what might have happened to him. we were happy to see him as well.

We decided to take Donald with us, it will be safer that way.

July 9th 1973

While we were going down the line we heard a tonal whistle behind us. Donald instantly recognised it and told us to stop. "Dougie!" he yelled towards where the whistle was coming from. "Donnie!" cried an overjoyed Scottish engine as it screeched behind us. Donald and Douglas were overjoyed to see each other again and I honestly don't blame them. Douglas joined our cavalcade of survivors.

What if Salty had survived?

We just found BoCo, James, Salty and a train full of workers stopped on the main line outside of Crosby.We checked everyone to make sure they were ok and they did the same to us.

Apparently BoCo had been driven to the Docks against his will. His Driver had told him their was "Nothing wrong" and he was "Overreacting" 

Upon his arrival their were men with guns and tools guarding the entrance who stopped them to check on his driver. 

He stopped BoCo on a siding and Salty took away the trucks. This gave him a chance to look around a process what he was seeing. Donald was there as well, he looked horrified. He tried to communicated quietly with BoCo but he was too far away to talk quietly.

Bill and Ben who were mutated had been hiding form the men, approached BoCo trying to get him to help them. But BoCo's yell of shock alerted the men who ran towards the engines. Bill and Ben tried to get away but they could only move at a snails pace. the armed men quickly caught up to the two and butchered them. 

BoCo shut his eyes, since he could bear to watch his friends be killed. He heard the sounds of impact, gunshots, and hammers. Suddenly civilians and workers who had been hiding in the buildings decided to strike. 

During the battle Donald's driver decided to steam him up with his boiler dry an tightened his safety valve shut. This was a recipe for disaster.

One of the workers hopped into BoCo, with the remaining men who had surrendered into the trucks and break van. BoCo ran to grab the train and get out. 

Donald screamed in pain as his smokebox was melting but it was too late for the workers to do anything and his boiler exploded.

Once BoCo coupled up to the train with Salty the two set out. On the way Salty told his side of the story.

Salty had been shunting at the Docks as usual when the powerplant blew up. The force of the explosion nearly tipped him over and caused Cranky to sway. 

After that the workers had turned the place into a military zone. He had seen Bill and Ben after they mutated but non of us can work out why he wasnt.

On their way they found James who was mutated and had crashed. They were able to pull him back onto the tracks. they had to push James because non of the workers knew how to drive a steam engine. Unfortunately BoCo ran out of fuel a day or two ago and Salty was running low. 

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