1 Niall and Taytum

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Louis' POV

So I woke up this morning to a big crash and was wondering what had happened now. I walk down stairs to my glass coffee table and saw it shattered and little Niall standing in the corner sobbing. I walked over to him and asked him what had happened since I didn't see anyone else down stairs I figured he put himself in timeout. 

"Hey Ni what's wrong buddy what happened"

"I-I B-br-broke the table" Niall Said

so I asked him "how did that happen"

He said "I was standing on it be-because I was trying to-to get my cup of w-water"

"Why are you standing in the corner bud" I knew he felt guilty but he had never put himself in the corner before, actually Niall despises the corner

"Cause Niall was bad and I needed to be put in da naughty corner"

I  asked him the simple question of " Did you put yourself in the naughty corner" and he started to cry even more which led me to think someone else was awake and I haven't seen them yet or they went back to there room

"No Zaynie said I was very naughty for-for braking the t-table so-so he told me to stand h-here un-until you woke up"

"Well buddy that was very naughty to stand on the table haven't we talked about not standing on there before"


"What else did Zaynie say to you"

"H-he said that if I move he w-would s-spank me"

I felt really bad for Niall because he has never been this worked up about anything before but I knew Zayn would threaten the kids but I knew he wouldn't actually do anything because we have talked about it before. 

"Okay Ni I'm going to go talk to Zayn you stay here for me okay"

"Okay Daddy"

Zayn POV

I was walking down the stairs this morning when I saw Niall standing of the glass coffee table. He knew that was a big no no so I yelled at him 

"Niall what do you think you are doing mister"

Once he turned to look at me the table shattered luckily he was okay and there were no cuts on him

"Niall are you okay"

"Zaynie I sowwy"

I grabbed him without stepping on any glass so he wouldn't walk on any himself and started to lecture him about how hurt he could have gotten. 

"Niall how many times have you been told to not stand on the table"

"I-I just wanted my water" he said while crying

"Niall I'm putting you in the naughty corner right now and don't even think about moving if you do I will spank you myself, you will stay here until daddy gets up got it"

"No Zaynie no corner no spanky"

"Niall stay there no exceptions I'm going up stairs you better stay there"

"okay I-I sorry"

20 minutes later I heard a knock on my door so I said "come in" it was dad and he seemed mad

"oh hey dad good morning"

"Hey I saw what happened down stairs you did a good job handling Niall but you could have came and got me. How long has he been in the corner"

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