-it was only a kiss-

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-Dreams pov-

Of course Sapnap had to come in saying that. George doesn't even know, Sapnap knows. I mean.. it was only kiss. I wished it was more though.

"How was it then lover boys."

"Pardon?" George was so confused.

"The kiss dumbass."

"How does he know? Dream?"

"It doesn't matter George."

"Hm.. oh well I guess. It was only a kiss, right?"

"What? It was only a kiss? I didn't think it was only a kiss."

"Well we did only kiss, Dream."

"You cuddled into me.. and we kissed.. and we watched a romantic movie.."

"Okay and? That literally doesn't mean anything."

"George you're being a fat dick. You kissed and it's clear Dream has some fucking strong feelings for you. You can't be saying shit like "it was only a kiss." Imagine how he's feeling! He thought you lied him back and you being an arse has probably really put him down."

"Dream has feelings for me? How the fuck was I meant to know that, Sapnap?"

"Don't you just catch on to things?"

I liked how Sapnap was sticking up for me. He really was a true friend. I do feel kind of bad for George though. I care about him lots.

"Sometimes it's hard to catch up on things when you have mixed feelings for things."

"Well.. do you fucking like him back?"

"Of course I like him back Sapnap. It's just shock. How was I meant to know he liked me when he keeps it to himself?"

"Sorry." I cut in.

"No dream don't be sorry. Im sorry. I was being a dickhead."

"Sure right you were."

"Sapnap? Shut your mouth."

"Okay okay, I'll let you two sort shit out."

I cant hold in my emotions.

-Georges pov-

I do really feel bad. Ive been a bitch and now I've hurt the one person I care about most.

"Dream I'm-

He's gone. Why? Where?

I run up the stairs to see his door locked. I can hear quiet sobs from the room. Maybe i really did hurt him.

"Dream what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry. I thought you liked me."

"Dream I do like you. I just didn't know you liked me."


"Please Clay.. open up."

The door unlocks and I can see dream, head in his hands in the corner of his room. I don't really know what to see. He looks so broken when he cry's. It breaks my heart. I cant believe I've made the person I love the most hurt so much. It wasn't even intentional.

I go over to him and sit next to him.

"I'm sorry dream. I really am. I didn't know saying that would hurt you so much. And know that I think of it I know why you're pissed off. I don't blame you, but please. Forgive me?"

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