-Georges pov-
"George are you okay?" I could here those exact words coming out of someone's mouth repeatedly.
I could see a dirty-blonde man standing in front of me. It was Dream. I wanted to say things but they wouldn't come out.
"Yes I think he's okay." Said a brunette lady.
Why the fuck is Dream with a women? I thought he was into me.
I wanted to fight but I couldn't move. It felt like I was paralysed. I couldn't move or talk but I could still hear.
I didn't know what to do. He was just standing here right in front of me with his new hoe.
She seemed to be into him. I couldn't let this happen.
I felt my head hit the pillow and I was asleep.
I woke up to..
It was Dream.
"What do you want you cheating little scumbag."
"Woah you wake up at hospital and that's the first thing you have to say?"
I was in a hospital bed with the hoe and Dream next to me. But.. why?
"What happened?"
"We don't exactly k-" started the brunette. No one wants her to speak.
"I was asking Dream, hoe. Go on Dream."
"Well we don't exactly know but we think you drank a bit too much."
"Oh right."
"And why did you call me a hoe?"
"You're hitting on my boyfriend."
I could see a smile from on Dreams face. He thought this was hot, huh? He finds everything hot. But I wouldn't change that for the world.
"I wasn't hit-"
"Don't even try to start mrs.. I saw you touching him. He even said to stop. You're like 40. He's 22? You pervert. Don't touch him."
"I'm not 40. Im 28."
"Because that makes it okay to touch a 22 year old with out their permission? You could clearly see he was uncomfortable."
I have no clue if he was uncomfortable or not. However, im not letting any nonce touch my boy- my bestfriend.
"Why would it matter to you anyway?"
"Im his boyfriend."
"That's whah they all say. 'Oo hes my boyfriend omg!!! I'm gay!!!!' No one gives a fucking shit. You two are probably brothers."
"Do brothers kiss?"
I couldn't help it but kiss Dream. I cant let this woman beat me in this.
"Ooo a kiss."
"Do brothers give you hickeys?"
I show my hickeys to the 28 year old. I don't care if this is getting out of hand. She wanted it.. so she's getting it.
"Nope this is getting out of control. No one ask for you to show your hickeys. That's rank!"
"Well how else would you believe me?"
Dream cuts in. "We could do much more if you wanted.."
"Oo you tryna make out with me?" Says the lady.
•it was only a kiss•
Fanficclay, also known as dream has a crush on george davidson. they go to dreams performance and then spend lots of time together. they go on an adventure, just as friends. after that.. it all changes.