part 2

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A huge sun ball was setting over the horizon, everything was in pink and orange tones. This place was completely different from Los Angeles, as if it was a completely different world

Check-in at the hotel, fake names, filling in data. While I listened with interest to the speech of the guy behind the table, there was nothing new for Billie. What's news to me is not news to her.

- Yo let's go to the beach tomorrow? It's quiet there in the morning - The blonde smiled, watching me turn the key card in my hands while we were in the elevator.

I just nodded.

As soon as we reached our room door, the guy working here was already waiting with the luggage. He handed us things and left, the service here really deserves those five stars.

The door to the room opened. The sunset from the panoramic windows made the room glow. The pleasant smell of vanilla tickled my nose. It's gorgeous.

My eyes were caught by a tall glass door opening onto the balcony. It easily succumbed to pressure and opened.

Wow, I can arrange a whole party here! Stone floor made of brick, sun loungers, tables with umbrellas and folding chairs. All this could easily fit on the balcony, despite the fact that the room is only for two people

But none of this could compare to the view from here. I shuddered at the grandeur and grace of nature itself. The sea, which had no edge, the pink sky, like spilled wine.

While I was watching the flying birds, I didn't even notice how Billie came in and rolled onto the fence right next to me.

- So, damn, beautiful - She threw her head up, watching the clouds directly above us.

It seemed as if right now the heavens above them would break, the firmament would level with the earth.

A young guy was walking along the sidewalk, bent over and looking at the phone screen.

- How can he look down when the skyes is much more beautiful? - I was surprised.

- I would definitely choose to look at the top. Who in their right mind would miss their whole life staring at their phones - Eilish rolled her eyes, taking one last look at the sky, she went to the room.

I was terribly tired on the plane, I wanted to go to bed so much, just like Eilish. So right after we had unpacked our suitcases, I plopped down on a huge soft white bed. There were a lot of pillows and blankets on it.

- How much do I owe you? - She's only 19, and she paid for the plane, the road and the room for both of us.

- Forget it, everything is fine - She lay down next to me, turned over to the other side to the window, quietly sniffing. Her voice was already sleepy.

I was so glad that she considers me a close friend, because she allowed me to sleep next to her. Her trust was very important to me.

The room was getting darker by the minute, it became harder to move, I fell into a dream.

- Wake up, sleepyhead! - The girl shook me by the shoulder.

I barely opened my eyes. I mumbled something, pulled the blanket over me and turned away from her.

- Hey, you agreed when you said that we would go to the beach in the morning!

"Wait, is it morning already?" I finally got out of bed, still half asleep following the daily morning routine. After pulling on shorts and a t-shirt, Billie and I left the hotel.

The sun illuminated the cloudless sky, snow-white sand and left a bright path on the sea.

The water was cold, refreshing. As soon as my feet touched it, I jerked. With every step I took into the water, I became more and more covered with goosebumps all over my body. It felt like my teeth were chattering against each other. The sea was so clear today.

But as soon as the water covered my ankles, it became much easier to walk. And I didn't want to stop.

The blonde grabbed my elbow and, laughing loudly, led me further into the water. The sand under our feet made the water muddy, and the algae got mixed up with each other.

I was no longer cold, my body and soul were warmed by the laughter of a girl running next to me.

Billie stopped as soon as the water barely touched our clothes. She slapped her hands on the water, splashing me, covering my dry clothes with a "salty breeze".

I immediately perked up and started splashing in response. Billie ran away from me beyond the horizon until her whole body was under water. Being taller than Eilish, I still plunged into the water, just like she did.

We came out of the water wet, the temperature was low, it was quite early in the morning. Shivering, I threw on the towel I'd left on the chaise longue. Already the nasty dry sand was sticking to my feet.

- We'll have breakfast at some 24-hour cafe at the gas station, okay? - She was wiping her hair and smiling at me as sincerely as the angels themselves smile when they have fallen from heaven. I nodded, she left me speechless.

- You are so beautiful - These words flew out of my mouth by themselves, I didn't even control myself. My cheeks burned, and I turned away from her.

She laughed sweetly in response:
- Thank you, cutie, do you want to go to the fair near the amusement park tonight? -  She sat down next to me, running her hand through my hair and ruffling it.

I never would have thought that I could be so happy.

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