Training with the Outers

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I was on my way to train with the Outers. A maid was leading the way, I've never been in this part of the hide-out before. I barely got any rest after I woke up in the hospital ward. I kept sensing things with nature energy, I was too scared to fall asleep. And when I finally did, I woke up 30 minutes later from a nightmare.

I kept reliving the dream I got during the surgery. Every time it ended with me screaming in pain on the floor. I kept telling myself to run away the second I saw the green chakra, however my body didn't listen to me. All I could do was observe as my body ran towards its doom over and over again.

"We're here" the maid said as we stopped in front of a door. The door was made of steel, it looked like it wouldn't break easily. I suppose I should've expected that from a training facility. The maid knocked on the door and waited for an answer before entering. "Come in!"

She opened the door and led me inside. I entered a big, stone room. There were multiple doors at the sides, leading to more rooms. The doors were stone, so I suppose they were just changing rooms or medical rooms. A lot of people looked at me and the maid, who closed the steel door behind us.

The murderous intent from every person in this room was enormous, it immediately sent shivers down my spine. One person walked towards us, I recognized her voice to be the one who let us in. "So you're finally here. I've been wanting to meet you for a while." The maid bowed beside me. "My apologies for being late. I will now leave y/n in your hands, ma'am. Please excuse me." then she walked out of the room.

The woman looked kind. She was really strong, but I didn't sense any murderous intent right now. "It is a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." I said as I bowed in respect. "My name is Sibura. I will be your trainer" The woman said. She then turned towards the other people in the room. "Everyone, this is y/n! She has been training with Jigen and, from now on will train with us as well. Go a bit easy on her!"

'Shit. Why did she say I train with Jigen?! Everyone is going to hate me! I mean not that they didn't already, but come on... I'm not even that good, I also have to get used to nature energy! I bet no one is going to go easy on me, they probably think I'm really talented because Jigen trains me.'

I could feel the blood lust in the room intensify, just as I suspected. I didn't dare say anything, so I just stayed silent as I looked at the people. "Trained by Jigen?! HAHAHHAHA!! Looks like I have someone proper to take my anger out on! It wont be the same as beating Kawaki to a pulp, but I suppose it suffices as a temporary revenge for ruining my chin!" I heard someone yell.

"Garo! What did I just say?! Go a bit easy on her, she is new! Tch." Sibura yelled back at the person. 'Revenge on Kawaki for ruining his chin? Meaning he trained here as well? I could ask Sibura... But he's going to take his anger out on me? Just because Jigen trains me? I didn't ask for his training! Besides, if Kawaki beat him up, why would I have to pay the price?'

"Ehm- Miss Sibura? Hav-" I started, wanting to ask her about Kawaki, but she interrupted me. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get in there and start training!" Then she walked away. 'Right, I guess I should've expected that. No one really answers questions in Kara, after all.'

I walked towards the group of people. The person I recognized to be Garo emerged from behind. "I'll be your sparring partner, today." he said. He didn't have normal hands, but 3 crab-like metal fingers. In between there was a hole, where his palm was supposed to be. His chin was covered behind a mask that went over his bald head.

I sensed that he was a good fighter, and out for blood. Mine to be specific. He certainly was enjoying this already. The rest of the people gathered in a circle around us, making it look like we were fighters in some sort of arena. I was kinda getting used to the terrifying screams and murderous intents I have been sensing for the last few hours, so my concentration wasn't totally shit.

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