Escape, attempt 2

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A few days had passed and I now knew where the airship was stationed and when it would depart. In my mind I had traced back in all of the books I had read and figured out how to make some sort of bomb.

After I threw it, I had around 10 seconds to get away before it went off. The bomb was psychically harmless, but due to the loud noise and bright light it was sure to get attention. And fortunately for me, it did.

The Inners were called to the scene and I had a chance to sneak into Amado's office. I quickly disabled the camera's and looked through his computer. I had quickly found the information I wanted.

The airship was stationed in one of the food supply hangars, it was on the other side of the hangout. The side that I was not familiar with. That was a problem, but not my biggest concern.

I had to hurry. Like, I really had to hurry. The airship was leaving in 30 minutes. Apparently, they thought it was necessary to transport Kawaki as soon as possible. I didn't really agree with them.

'Stupid Kara. Stupid airship. Stupid transportation. Stupid me. So far for an escape, I probably won't even make it to the hangar in time!' I complained in my thoughts as I ran to the training halls.

I might hate this place and not have pretty much any stuff I value. But I am not leaving my scythe behind. It was the weapon I had been learning to use for the last few years. Before I realized it, it had started to mean a great deal to me.

The feeling of the handle in my hands was comforting. The weight of the metal felt good, safe. I could store it in a scroll and summon it if I needed, so it wouldn't take up much space.

It had to be repaired, however and I was forced to leave it at the training halls. I prayed they had fixed it already. I silently opened the door and slipped inside. I was lucky. I could see it laying on the table, fixed. The silver metal glimmering in the light.

I grabbed it, stored it in a scroll and got the hell out of there. I had no idea where the hangar was exactly and time was short. I hadn't even thought about how I was going to get aboard the ship.

I had figured I would think about that after I found out where it was and when it was departing. I suppose it's a little too late now. Oh well, I'll just make sure I get there first, then think of step 2.

I ran around the hide-out, trying to be as unsuspicious as possible, which turned out to be harder than I expected. I turned left, right, left, left again, right, left, right again. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Where is that hangar?!' I cursed in my head as panic started seeping through my body.

I then felt a sharp pain in my head. A headache. 'Now is not the time for this, head. I have to find the hangar and my head is already occupied enough!' I complained as I suddenly realized something.

I got a headache. I usually get headaches from nature energy. I can sense surroundings with nature energy. Why didn't I think of that before?! I am so stupid; I swear to God. I slapped my hands in my face in attempt to wake up my brain.

It only worsened my headache.

But that doesn't matter! I closed my eyes and concentrated on my power. After a couple of minutes, I had found the hangar. I was going in the complete opposite direction... I quickly turned around and ran towards the ship.

I looked at my watch; 5 minutes till take-off. I had to hurry.


I turned my head around the door of the hangar. The airship was right there, and so were tons of Outers. I couldn't just barge in there and enter the ship. I wish I had thought about this earlier! I sighed and looked at my watch; a little over a minute left.

I didn't have much of a choice. I had to get on that vehicle. I ran into the hangar and hid behind some boxes. My heart was pounding in my chest. I was sure that anyone who came too close, could hear it beating.

Then a deafening noise filled the area. It was the airship; it had started its engines. I had to get on, now. I frantically looked around, still too many people. I was searching for any sort of plan, anything, but my head stayed empty.

'Arhhg, you know what, fuck it.' I though angrily as I ran away from my hiding spot towards the vehicle. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Which was apparently very fast. It also alarmed the people around me.

"She's going to board the ship!!" I heard someone yell. "Get her!!" Someone else screamed. I grabbed the scroll and summoned my scythe. People started running towards me from the sides, others ran in front of me, forming a blockade.

I adjusted the scythe in my hands and threw myself forward, into the crowd. Remembering all of the horrible training sessions I had with Jigen, I graciously slipped between the Outers. Slashing left and right, I worked my way through the group.

Wind slowly started coming from every direction. It was from the airship, its propellors spinning frantically. It was taking off!

I couldn't dodge all of their attacks and got hit multiple times. I had slashes on my cheek, my legs and I got stomped in my stomach. I ignored the pain and moved further, using nature energy to sense their attacks and enhance my scythe's strength.

It was like there were infinite people coming from all directions. 'At this rate I'm not going to make it... I'll have to use that.' I thought. I knew this technique was very chakra consuming but I didn't have a choice. I also wasn't very good at it yet, I had to concentrate for too long to actually use it in battle.

I'll just have to let myself get hit, then.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the nature energy. I got stabbed in my stomach. I had to gather a lot of chakra in one spot. Someone pulled on my hair. I contained the energy in a small space, increasing the concentration of the chakra every second. Another slash through my leg.

Then I released all of the energy. It flooded through me with incredible force, causing everyone and everything near me to be thrown back at least 10 meters. I had cleared a path towards the ship. Not wasting any time, I ran as fast as I could. I could feel my energy getting lower every second.

That technique really was a last resort only.

The few people that managed to stand up and try to stop me were quickly knocked down by my scythe. The airship was already in the air, if I wanted to get on, I would have to jump, high.

I took a couple of steps back, got ready and then launched myself forward. Gathering more speed step after step. With the last step I mustered all of my strength in my thighs and jumped.

I used the little nature energy I could find to enhance the height of my jump. I turned my body and swung my scythe upwards, hooking it behind a railing. I sighed in relief. I had made it.

I looked down to see the Outers scrambling back on their feet, becoming smaller and smaller as I flew away with the airship. My entire body ached, but I still had work to do. I knew I wouldn't last long if I stayed here, hanging on my scythe.

I moved my legs forward and back, gaining speed. (like on a swing) When I reached the highest point I launched my legs upwards, clinging them to the railing where I had my scythe.

I now hang upside down. I stored my scythe back in the scroll, since I needed both my hands for this. I grabbed the railing and launched myself upwards with much trouble. My arms were trembling.

I summoned my scythe again and made a hole in the airship, giving myself a way inside. As soon as I entered the vehicle I looked around. Nothing but storage boxes and one weirdly big container.

My headache had only worsened after using so much nature energy and even if I wanted to, I couldn't think straight right now. So, I did the most reasonable thing and hid in the first place I could find.

Adrenaline could only keep me awake for a limited amount of time and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. 

A/N: I'M SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! I had exams and tests this week so I was very busy... I hope this chapter brings enough satisfaction to make up for it! I'll try to update Saturday again <3

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