The Aftermath

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Bucks POV:

Why do I feel this way? Why do I have to be in love with my best friend? What am I gonna tell him? Should I even tell him?

Third Person POV:
Buck's phone starts to ring. He sees that it's a call from Eddie. He takes a deep breath before he answers the phone. "Hey Buck, I just got discharged from the hospital and I'm on my way home now. Did Christopher have dinner yet? If not I was gonna pick up some pizza on my way home?" Eddie asked Buck. "Me and Chris have not eaten yet and I'm sure he would love some pizza." Buck said feeling surprised that he was even able to speak without having a shaky voice. " Alright, I'll pick some up on the way home. I should be there in 30." Eddie told
Buck. "Ok, sounds good see you then!" Buck said and then hung up. He went to go to Christopher's room. "Hey Buck" Christopher said calming Bucks nerves a little bit. "Hey Buddy! Your dad is on his way home from the hospital and is gonna pick up some pizza for dinner tonight." Buck told Chris. " Yayyyy pizza" Chris said excitedly. Buck left Christopher's room and started tidying up before Eddie arrived.

Bucks POV:
What am I gonna say to him? I should just act normal like nothing is wrong like I'm not in love with him. That should be easy. I started tidying up listening to some music and dancing around Eddies living room. Before I knew it I heard keys jiggling at the door and Eddie was home. That was so fast there is no way that was 30 minutes. Eddie walked through the door and I gave him a big hug. " Thank you for not dying on me and leaving me with more trama." I told Eddie. We both laughed at my dark joke. " I couldn't do that to you and Christopher." Eddie said.
Why did he include me? Why not just Christopher? Does he have feelings for me too? I'm just overthinking.
I called Christopher to let him know pizza was here and that his dad was home. "Daddy" Christopher said happily.
I wish I could call him that. I wish I could have his muscular arms around me as we kiss. SNAP OUT OF IT BUCK!!! Act normal remember.
"I missed you so much buddy" Eddie said happily. I put the pizza on the kitchen counter and grabbed us some plates to eat. I put one slice on every plate and handed it to them. We sat at the dinner table talking and Chris was telling Eddie all about school and a new movie that he has been obsessed with. Spider man the first one the classic. Eddie was so excited to hear about what has been going on while he was in the hospital. After we ate and talked for hours it was already 8:30 past Chris's bed time. I told Chris that he had to go to bed since he had school tomorrow. Eddie tucked him in and turned off the lights. After he shut the door my heart started pounding. We were all alone. I didn't have a barrier to make me not kiss Eddie. Eddie asked me if I wanted to watch a movie and I said sure. A movie would be good no talking only watching a movie. He picked Fear Street 1994 since he heard all about it when he was in the hospital and loved horror movies. What Eddie didn't know was that I was a little bit of a scaredy-cat. A movie about people getting murdered by a witch I should be fine I told myself. We went to his bedroom because we didn't want to wake Chris up watching it on the living room tv. I was really nervous laying in bed with someone I wanted to kiss was not a good combination. Once we started the move I was already scarred. Within the first 15 minutes multiple people have already been murdered. I screamed as the last girl ran for her life screaming and getting stabbed over and over again.

Eddies POV:
We are watching fear street and I had no idea Buck could get so scared. This man who I see as fearless is scared of a made up horror movie. He kept screaming so I brought my arm that wasn't in a sling over to try to comfort him a little bit. He pulled away so fast you would think I have a disease. I wonder why he pulled away I was only trying to comfort him. I paused the movie. "Hey is everything okay, do you want me to pick something else to watch?" I asked Buck. "Yes everything is fine I just got a little scared from the movie that's all" Buck told me looking at the movie, hinting to put it back on. I unpaused the movie and I scooted a little closer to Buck in case he was scared again. I noticed Buck looking a little worried but I tried to pay no attention to it. The next scary scene came on and Buck hid his face in my chest. There was something so comforting about it. I started getting butterflies in my stomach. Wait why do I have butterflies? I only get that when I'm around a girl I like. Wait. Do I like Buck? My head is getting filled with so much thoughts and I can feel his hot breath on my chest. Omg I like it. Why do I like it? I told Buck that the scene was over and he took his head off my chest. I want him to put it back I want to comfort him I want to make him feel safe and loved and cared for. Wtf why am I like this. I pause the movie again because I can't even pay attention because my thoughts are beginning to be too much. Buck notices that I paused the movie. "Hey, why did you pause it? I thought you were enjoying it?" Buck said questionably. Quick think of something fast. "Well I saw you weren't really enjoying it so I thought I should pause it and pick a different movie or show." I said. Good save he has no idea. Then all of the sudden as he is looking at me I give him a quick peck on the lips. Omg omg omg what have I done! After I pull away his face looked confused. " ummm what was that?" Buck asked me. What should I say? Should I tell him or play it off. "You had some marinara sauce on your lips and well I was trying to get it off." I said. That was probably one of the worst ways to play it off. He definitely knows. " oh ok" Buck said looking a little disappointed. Why is he disappointed? Did he want me to kiss him? I'm so confused I should just tell him.
I open my mouth to speak but instead of speaking I kiss him again. Wtf is wrong with me today? Am I still drugged up maybe that's why I keep being stupid? I go to pull away when I feel him kiss me back very passionately. I kiss him more trying to show that it wasn't a mistake. We keep kissing for a good 2 minutes. I then decide to try to deepen the kiss. I grab onto his hair pulling his head back and sneaking my tongue into his mouth when he opens his mouth. I'm starting to feel a little turned on so I start to pull away as I try to pull away Buck comes onto my lap. Wrapping his arms around my neck and and legs around my waist as I'm sitting up in my bed. It's almost as if he doesn't want it to stop like he's afraid for when it does stop. He starts trailing kisses down to my jawline and then neck. He got to my collarbone starting to kiss harder and harder. At this point I'm very turned on. We need to stop otherwise I'm gonna do something that I'm not sure he wants. He is not sucking on my collarbone leaving a soft moan from my lips. Then I push him off my collarbone and he is sitting confused. "Why did we stop? Did you not enjoy it? I'm sorry if I moved to fast?" Buck said sadly. "I enjoyed it a little too much actually but we need to stop we have to talk about this." I said. "I really don't want to go any further if this is gonna be just a hookup cause that's gonna ruin our friendship." I said. "I think our friendship is already ruined" Buck said. "I just wanna know do you actually want me or even like guys or am I just someone to kiss cause you're horny?" I said a little loudly. I really hope I didn't wake Christopher up. "No, I really like you, I more than like you Eddie I'm a little offended that you thought I just wanted to hookup with you. Who do you think I am? I'm your best friend I would never do this with someone I cared about unless I wanted a relationship." Buck said. I felt really bad I offended him how could I do that. "I'm sorry Buck! I didn't know how you felt. Just so we are clear I more than like you too and I want a relationship too." I said happily. We decided to call it a night and he slept over since it was late and we both have to go to work tomorrow. They cleared me for light duty so I'm excited to go back and see my family. Now I have to go talk to Ana tomorrow as well since I cheated on her with BUCK! And I can't be with her anymore. I guess one more thing to do tomorrow. I fell asleep right next to Buck with excitement on my brain of the new found clarity of my feelings and my relationship.

Ps: I haven't wrote many fanfics or anything in general so let me know if you liked it. I really hope you did. Have a great day!

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