Uh Oh, Oh No

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Eddies Pov:

Today I decided to have a little fun day with Buck and Chris. We don't have to work today because of some meeting with all the Firehouse Captains in the area. I know I still have to tell Ana but I would prefer that for right now me, Buck and Chris have a day of fun to ourselves first. I was thinking maybe going to the fair which is only in town for a couple more days. Chris has been bugging me to go and I finally have a day where I can go and can invite Buck with us.

Buck slowly woke up next to me. "Good morning baby" I exclaimed in my tired voice. " Hey Buck, I was thinking maybe we can go to the fair today with Chris since we don't have to work"
"That sounds good babe, just make sure Chris is up for it" he told me. Honestly there is no reason that Chris wouldn't want to go. He has been bugging me for a while now anyways. "Let's get ready! I'm gonna make breakfast for Chris and once he wakes up I'll ask him about the fair. Does that sound like a plan Buck?"
"Sounds like a plan stan!" I laughed. I haven't heard anyone use that phrase in years.

I finished getting ready and started making scrambled eggs and bacon. "Do I smell bacon daddy" Chris said super excitedly. "Yeah buddy! I'm making eggs and bacon. I also wanted to know if you wanted to go to the fair today. I know you have been talking about it all week and me and Buck finally have a day off. What do you say?"
"I would love to go Daddy! And Bucky can come with us!!!! When do we leave"
"I need you to eat breakfast first and then get ready! Buck should be almost done getting ready." I told him. Buck honestly should have been done a while ago I guess he is taking his time in the shower. Maybe it's a cold shower for all I know. I wish I could join him and feel him body against mine again. Eddie snap out of it! You can get turned on right now especially while talking with your son. "Ok daddy!" I handed Chris his food and he started eating fast. I think he was a little too excited to go to the fair. Soon after he finished and headed to his room to get ready. I cleaned up the dishes and checked on Buck. He has been upstairs for like 40 minutes what is he doing putting on makeup?

I opened the door to find Buck putting his clothes on. "Babe, why have you been up here for so long. You have been getting ready for 40 minutes. Everything okay?" I'm a little worried that something is wrong especially since he broke up with Taylor (or who I like to call traitor) yesterday. " Yeah it's all fine Eddie, I just took a long shower I had a lot on my mind. I feel kinda bad about Taylor but I know we wouldn't have worked out anyways" he told me. I know he feels bad about it but it was for the best. She would walk all over him just to get a story and that's not what I call dating material. I also feel like she is manipulative but maybe that's just me. " Okay just making sure! I'm always here to talk if you need me! Also I think Chris is almost ready to go to the fair."
"Thanks Eddie! I'll be right down" I head downstairs to check on Chris and wait for Buck so we can go. Once they are both ready we get in the car and head to the fair.

We finally got to the fair and Chris was beyond excited. " Daddy Daddy, we should go on the Ferris wheel first!" "Okay buddy! Let's go!"
"This is fun I like how we can see everything around us, the lights off the street and the big buildings it's pretty romantic." Buck says with a wink. It is very romantic for a small second I wish it was just me and Buck up here so we can kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel. The ride goes by very smoothly then we head off to get some corn dogs since you gotta have fair food at the fair.
The line is taking forever I don't know what the hold up is. All the sudden I hear "Eddie, what are you guys doing here"Ana says out of no where. Like seriously where did she come from? I can feel my face getting hot. I just wanted today to be a good day not having to worry about talking to Ana but oh well guess that can't happen. "Eddie, why are you here with Buck that seems very odd since you told ME we were gonna go to the fair together this week." "Well Ana you see, we need to have a talk" I try to sound calm but it's coming out shaky. I really don't want to do this in front of Chris he doesn't deserve to hear this. " We need to have a talk? A talk? What the fuck Eddie I thought we were good now you are trying to break up with me at the fair that is just wrong." Ana screams at me in line with a bunch of people around to hear it.
"Ana, I think it would be best if you guys had your talk with Chris not around he doesn't need to be around this. You also cursed around Christopher how could you do that?" Buck chimes in. Honestly I totally forgot the she cursed in front of him. That is just plain rude! "Oh so now you are gonna tell me what I can and can't do. Who are you to tell me what I can and can't say! I'm an adult and I do what I want!" " Ana, stop acting like a child people are starting to notice. Just take a couple deep breaths and I can talk to you about this issue when we are not on line to get corn dogs!" I said to her. Honestly who does she think she is screaming in line and talking to Buck like that. No one does that, that doesn't want a fist in their face from me. "No, I want us to talk now! I need to know what is soooo important that we need to talk about!" Oh here we go. "Ana, I met someone else I think it would be best if we break up for both of our sakes."

" No Eddie, you met someone else? Did you cheat on me? How long has it been going on? Who is she? I need answers!"
" I did cheat on you and I am very sorry. It hasn't been going on for very long only a couple of days. I will not tell you who they are only that I have known them for a very long time and have had feelings for them for a while now. I never meant to hurt you"
I feel really bad outing the cheating to Christopher right now. He doesn't need to hear this! " Who is she???"
" I'm not telling you Ana I already told you"
"I need to know!"
"It's me! I am not a girl I realize that so sorry to break the news to you, but me and Eddie are in love and you can't stop us. We didn't want to hurt you I promise or do it like this but with you wanting answers at least now you have them." Buck chimes in. I hear a bunch of gasps from people in line. Are they really that surprised? I took my best friend and kid to the fair instead of my girlfriend what did they expect. I hear some people chanting "kiss kiss" to me and Buck. So you know what I have to do right well I guess you will see. I pull Buck by the neck close to my face and kiss him. The softness of our lips together send tingles down my spine.

When the kiss is over I hear clapping from a couple people around us. Ana storms off during the kiss and I couldn't care less. At least now we can enjoy our day at the fair without any interruptions.

Hey guys, yeah I know you all probably are annoyed about how long this took. I am very sorry! College has been keeping me super busy and work. I hope you all enjoyed this. Let me know if there is anything you would like for the next chapter. Hopefully it comes sooner than this one. Anyways, everyone I hope you have an amazing day/night and keep manifesting Buddie season 6!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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