when dereram meet geonfre

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dereram and geonfre met at confuzzled, a furry convention in birmingham, a few years ago. thy had become really good friends and spent almost everyday together. but this day was different. it was the 5 year anniversary of they meeting. and geonfre liked dereram...

"apanp.... can i tell u something?" geonfre whispered to his friend who he had met down the pub a few months after meeting dereram.

"course u can mate" apanp replied. he knew geonfre was gay already

"im gay... for dereram." geonfre said with pride

"no way "


"okay hace u told him yet" apanp aske

"no... i might today. its our  5 year friendship annicersary" geonfre was hesitant at fiest, "actaually, yes i wi;;. but u meed to be with me."

"okay. i'll meet u in tesco at 5. bring dereram!"

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