The most crappiest job in the world

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Jeremy Fitzgerald was out looking for a job. He needed money to buy his own apartment to get away from his stupid abusive father. He walked down Mulberry Street to see what was available. He came across a crumbled up flyer, so Jeremy picked it up. It said:

                                       FREDDY FAZBEARS PIZZERIA

                            We are seeking for a new night security guard! Come     join the  crew of freddy fazbears! Hope to see you in the office!

                                   Hours: 12:00 am-6:00 am

Jeremy thought long and hard about this, he finally decided he would apply for the job. So he headed down to the pizzeria and entered the building. When he walked in he realized that it no longer smelled like cheese and grease, but it smelled literally like dirt. He walked up to the front desk and saw a very angry looking man.

"What do you want" The man said

"I-im here to a-apply for the n-night shift" Jeremy said.

"You start tonight" The man said.Jeremy filled out a bunch of papers and left. He really wasnt looking forward to tonight.

       That night Jeremy entered Freddy's and walked to the front desk. The man told him to go to the office, so Jeremy walked back. When he got in he saw another guy sitting in a chair. He looked a year older than Jeremy. The guy turned around and looked at Jeremy.  "Oh hello" The guy said. "Im Mike"

  "I-Im  J-Jeremy." Jeremy said. Mike stRted telling Jeremy what do on the job. When the clock struck 6:00 they headed out.

  "See ya later Jeremy" Mike said.

  "B-Bye Mike. Jeremy said. And headed out to head home.


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