♦.Pink Diamond.♦

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'I cannot believe you! Making a scene like that!" Blue scolded.

"We weren't trying to make a scene! We were just... dancing...?"

Steven looks around the room, surprised when Connie is nowhere to be found.

"Connie?" Steven pauses to look up at Blue, "What have you done with Connie?!" 

"What have I done?! What have you done!? You're the one that wanted to keep those organics from the Kyanite colony! I'm just the fool that let you." Blue reminded.

"..What?" Steven asked, confused.

"Now your little pets are chasing the Pearls up and down the halls. What were you thinking!? Letting them loose in the ballroom? They could be anywhere." Blue reprimanded.

Just then, a rainbow-colored, caterpillar-like creature appeared from Blue Diamond's hair. It babbles happily before Blue notices, screams in fright, and smacks it across the room, sending it slamming against a wall.

"Pink!" Blue yelled while rubbing were the creature touched her face.

"Ugh. Please. Just get rid of it." Blue demanded.

Steven walks to a corner and lets the thing slide through a crack.  Right as she does that, Blue Diamond sighs and looks out the single window.

"Pink... White is very unhappy with you. If this keeps up, she's going to take away your Pearl." Blue said sadly.

Pink Diamond is now in the place of Steven, but still speaks with his voice. She appears remorseful and a tear falls down her cheek. 

"I know. I'm sorry..."


"Here we are! Hurry, get inside." Yellow instructs. 

"You're not going anywhere." White Pearl appeared.

The ground begins to shake as White's bust ship starts to move. It flies overhead and lands on top of Pink's ship, forming a giant body without arms. With control of the legs, the face of Diamond Ship glares down at the group.

"You've made a grave mistake. Go to your rooms!" White Pearl yelled at the other Diamonds.


"My Diamond, It's happening."

"Thank you Pearl, keep me updated."


"Wasn't that cool, Steven? Check out the awesome job we did fixing up those hand ships!" Peridot yelled.


"Uh... Who needs thumbs?" Peridot said comedically.

"Very cute." All attention was then turned to White Pearl, who was hovering on a white bubble above them. "Glad to see we're having fun. However, White Diamond has certain issues with your conduct that will need to be addressed before we move forward."

"Steven, quickly! Use one of our ships to get home." Yellow instructed.

"Huh?!" Steven exclaimed.

"Yes! You have another chance. Take my arm. Fly to Earth. Yellow and I will keep White distracted." Blue yelled.

"Blue... Yellow..." Steven mumbled.

Blue and Yellow brace themselves to face the gravity of the situation, as White Pearl enters the forehead of the Diamond Ship via the white bubble.

"Don't worry, Steven. We understand now." Blue explained.

Yellow sighed, "This way of living... It must have been like torture for you."

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