#alltake tokyo rev daycare au by @luvempretty

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Takemitchy as the daycare sitter and he has all these little kids so enamoured with him and follow him like little ducklings, and also they make these little declarations of, "when i grow up I'm gonna make mitchy my husband"

and some, "mitchy, I'm gonna propose to you when we grow up so you better say yes!" with a little fist waving at mitchy, supposedly threatening but mitchy just laughs gently and goes along with a response of "yes, yes, i will" (oh boy and does that get some starry eyes)

and then when its story time, they all bundle up in the reading corner with their little blankets and pillows around takemitchy and then one by one, as mitchy reads aloud, they get drowsy and mitchy sighs fondly as he tucks them all up properly and takes a nap beside them as well

i just wanna add that takemitchy has a nice enough singing voice, but its powerful when he sings lullabies and ballads which are ideal for putting people, especially the kids when they're having trouble sleeping, to sleep and so he hums those sweet melodies and the kids

are knocked out immediately after, troubles soothed by the angelic voice of their favorite sitter/daycare helper.

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