Embarrassment Chapter 2

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He stared at us for about 15 second , looking at us from top to bottom. My face felt really hot and I felt like if the room was spinning . We walked towards Nicole's cousin Daisy Everyone stopped staring at us and started talking again .I asked Daisy "who's that kid over there ?" She said "oh that's mikey "," he's pretty cute huh?" I said "he's ok I guess" but in reality he's really ,really cute ! Nicole said " he's hot" . We all started laughing . *TWO WEAKS LATER* I was telling Nicole about how cute mikey was . Then all of the sudden we hear a group of guys laughing . We turned around and they were teasing Mikey saying " she likes you haha " , I looked at mikey and he looked at me like if he was mad . I didn't know what to do. I just ran :( . Nicole yelled " wait " she chassed me all the way to the restroom . She saw me crying so she hugged me . She said " don't worry , it's going to be ok " I said " I hope so" while wiping my tears off. I told her " I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend " she said "aww" then she hugged me again. Then she said "now wipe of your tears your ruining your mascara " I laughed a little then she said " let's go" then we went to our next class .

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