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Now let's talk about cleanse, so you can cleanse all your crystals basically the same way, let's start with the smoking cleanse. This is one of the most popular crystal cleanse ways. So all u have to do is get the smoking cleanse, and just with the smoke that comes when u blow out the fire, you go trough all ur crystals! and done! Then u can cleanse them with sunlight, not all crystals can go in sun!! U just have to put them outside in sunlight and let them be there all Day! This are the crystals u CANT put in sun, rose Quartz, amethyst, fluorite, citrine, quartz, Opal, Celestite, Topaz, Aquamarine! Okey, next one is with your energy! You just have to talk to them, tell them some storys like, love stories, fantasy stories, funny stories, and tell them everything you wanna tell, hold them in your hand! And u can sleep with some of them, I sometimes sleep with natures found rose quartz (helps with friendships, love, harmony), amethyst( good sleep, luck, no nightmares) topaz( helps with friends, harmony, happiness) clear quartz( healing, creativity, clarity) citrine( happiness, goals, memory) tigers eye(luck, protecting, mental clarity) fluorite( clearing ur mind,stabilize, emotions) and some more!

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