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Lets start with some place's were u can find crystals! The best places is in forest, beach, in some places were are a lot rocks and you can buy them form some small businesses! Then are spell jars, so if your a baby witch never make some love jars because that is dangerous and can ruin all your life! Don't make contact with spirits! but her are some spells how u can make them. "Money jar" all u need to make this jar is ( add jade crystals chips as the bottom layer, mint, basil, cinnamon, adventure crystal chips,ginger and jasmine!) Use green candles wax! "Good luck jar" ( u need Alid, salt,white rice, bay leaves, rope) then use green candles wax! "Protection jar" ( use pink salt, rose petals, cloves, rosemary, cinnamon, bay leaf egg shells, your signal!) Dont use any wax. There are a lot more spell jars u can make but these are the most popular ones. Then are candles, a lot people use candles wax for spells jars and they all have meaning! White candle helps with ( any spells, meditation, heal, protect) black candle ( remove negative energy, protection) red candle ( love,sexual energy) pink candle(romantic love, friendship, balance) green( good luck, grounding) gold( success, power) orange( emotional healing, positivity) blue(spirituality, creativity, peace, calm) brown( security, stability). Yes a lot of meanings.

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