Chapter 8- Finally found it

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"So... you're staying?" I hear my dad's sad voice.

"For the moment, yes" I repeat myself. There's only two ways I can leave this place without further complications, Nick letting me go or Blacky returning and dealing with this place.

Also, going now would feel extremely disappointing, I need to make sure to tease them at least a little. I smile a little and take a couple steps back, leaving my dad's comforting embrace.

"Dad, I'm planning a mischief" I say calmly, and my dad opens his eyes wide.

"a-a-a... m-m-mischief?" I smile at his answer, I know he understood. I nod and he force his trembling lips into a smile "...well... h-have fun"

"Go back home and keep working, I'll be ok. I promise" I smile, and my dad now has a complicated smile on his face.

"Love you, Allie" he kisses my forehead "just say the word and we will run away from here" he gets closer to my ear and whispers "Do you know what they are?" I nod and he nods back.

Without other word he takes his gunshot and walks towards the car without looking back. I know why he's doing that, if he looks back, he will not be able to leave.

"I LOVE YOU DAD! BE SAFE AND HAVE A GOOD DAY!" I shout once he's inside the car and he waves goodbye at me while smiling. Even from this distance I can see the tears in his face.

I turn around towards the huge fancy prison I will call my home for the next couple days. I take a deep breath and start walking towards the door, passing by Nick's side and completely ignoring him when he tried to talk to me.

I keep walking but it seems I learned how to fly because my feet leave the ground. Oh... I didn't learn to fly, that's disappointing. Nick picked me up bridal style and held me close to his chest.

"Thank you for staying" he says in a relief voice.

Seriously? Does he really think I stayed for him? I almost forgot he's a hopeless narcissist. I look at him with an annoyed stare. I tilt my head from side to side trying to decide what to do. I can let him carry me and sleep in the same bed again or I can kick him and run towards the secret room... Let's stay here, I'm tired and he's warm. One of his only redeemable features.

"If he was going to go this fast, he should've stayed home" I hear Nick whisper while clicking his tongue.

His statement annoys me. My father only left because I told him, because he trusts me. Well, it's alright if Nick thinks lowly of my dad, it's giving me even more reasons to not feel bad of his soon to arrive demise.

He walks all the way to the elevator and the room. We don't say anything, and I just let Nick put me in his bed, I immediately curl into a ball and fall sleep.

I wake up due to Nick's annoying voice. "Alice, wake up. You have to dress up" he says while trying to take the covers from my body. He stops after a couple tries and I feel his hands on top of mine.

He's trying to move my hands, so I slap one of his hands away "Sleepy..." that's all I manage to say, not even caring about opening my eyes.

"Alice, I'm not in the mood, we have one of our allied packs visiting and I need my Luna next to me" he says irritated, I think he's losing his patience. Oh well, not like I care, too bad for him.

"Alice, I'm trying to be nice, listen to me" he says raising his voice a little.

"I don't want to, and I don't have to. I don't want to be your Luna thingy" I say in my sleepy voice and cover my face with the blanket.

"Alice" he tries to threaten me but what can he do? Take me all the way to this meeting and make me stand there in my dinosaur onesie?

"..." I hear him walking back and forth in annoyance "I'll let you visit your father" Nick says after a couple minutes, and I scoff.

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