Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was already 10:30 in the evening but Heechul is still awake. She can’t sleep because she’s still mad at her parents and to their helpers especially to her butler and to their chef. “They are the reason why I can’t go to my grad ball. Why do I need to apologize? It’s not my fault if they are stupid” Heechul told herself. She takes a deep breath and grabs the telephone

“I hope Taemin is still awake”

Heechul dials her best friend’s room number; a cute sweet voice answers her call 


“Yes Chullie?” 

“Please don’t sleep and wait for me. I’m coming over”


“I run away from home because I fought with my parents”

“Oh dear you’re totally insane”

“I’ll explain later. Please wait for me and don’t you dare sleep we don’t have class tomorrow so you can stay up late at night”

“That’s why I’m still awake. Buy some ice cream or cake ok”

“Get it”

Heechul went inside the bathroom to take a warm bath then after taking a bath she pack all her things and grab her car key then went downstairs. Her mom’s personal assistant saw her dragging two luggages, her gown for the graduation ball, and a small back pack on her back and her Channel bag on her shoulder then two paper bags on her left hand and a book on her right hand.

“Young lady?”

Heechul stares at her

“Why are you still awake? What’s up with the bags and your gown?”

Heechul just ignores her and run outside. She throws all her things inside her car. Her bodyguards along with her mom’s personal assistant follow her

“Where are you going young lady?”

One of her bodyguards ask her but Heechul ignores him

“Young lady it’s already late at night and you should be sleeping by now. Where are you going? Why do you need to bring a lot of things?”

Heechul stares at her mother’s personal assistant and smile sarcastically


“Do your parents know about it?”

“It’s none of your business”

“But young lady”

Heechul moves closer and whisper to her ear

“If I were you I’ll shut my mouth or else I’ll make sure that you’ll be out of your job tomorrow morning”

Heechul look at them

“Don’t try to stop me now”

“But young lady Sir Siwon and Ma’am Kibum will be mad at us if they found out that we le—“

“Shut up! Nobody will follow me”

Heechul take the tracker away from her car and throw it in front of them

“If you will try to follow me I’ll make sure that when I comeback all of you will be sleeping on the street”

Heechul look at them seriously

“Before I forgot tell my parents that I’ll be out for a long period of time and I’m not coming back unless they look for me without any help from the police. They must find me on their own way”

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