Chapter 3 The Search Begins

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Shigaraki was still a bit shaken from his meeting with Natsuo. He'd gotten more comfortable as they had joked about Dabi. The demon hadn't liked the teasing he put up with it to see his brother and boyfriend getting along. Now it was time for Shigaraki to meet Dabi's two other siblings and his mother.

Shigaraki was the most nervous to meet Dabi's mom. He'd met Dabi's dad before he was burnt to nothing more than ash. From how Dabi described her she seemed nothing like Enji. Dabi had told Shigaraki about his past since he trusted him. Shigaraki felt bad since he couldn't tell Dabi about his own.

The man only knew what Kurogiri had told him which hadn't been much. Shigaraki guessed his dad was abusive like Kurogiri had told him judging by the multiple scars littering his body. He used to wonder about them for hours on how got them. Dabi told him he looked beautiful despite them which made him happy.

Shigaraki waited nervously in the throne room while Dabi went to go get the rest of his family. Natsuo stayed with him Shigaraki scratched his neck nervously. "It's okay they are kind! I'm sure they'll love you." Natsuo said cheerfully trying to cheer Shigaraki up. Shigaraki felt a bit better he stopped scratching his neck. He put his hands in his pockets to keep himself from harming his skin any further.

Dabi finally walked back in three people following him. "Hi my name's Fuyumi I'm Touya's sister." Fuyumi said Shigaraki waved at her. He avoided her gaze Dabi walked over to him taking his hand the demon squeezed it encouragingly. "Shouto Todoroki." Shouto said bluntly he didn't say anything else. Shigaraki knew he was mistreated as a child so he sympathized with him. Shigaraki had also been abused he just didn't remember it.

"I'm Rei it's finally good to meet Touya's boyfriend." A middle aged woman with white hair said. She looked happy a stark contrast to how Dabi described her. Shigaraki guessed she was since Enji wasn't there. "Tomura Shigaraki." He said everyone froze at the mention of his name except Dabi. Shigaraki was confused they all seemed scared even Shouto who hadn't emoted before that.

"What's wrong?" Shigaraki asked worried that he'd messed up somehow. "You share a last name with All For One one of them most powerful demons. He was stronger than my dad even. Kurogiri was hiding you from him right?" Dabi explained. "Yeah, he saved me since he wanted me to live a normal life or at least that's what I was told." Shigaraki said he now realized why they were scared. "I'm not like him he tried to kidnap me as a child. My adoptive father brought me to Earth so I could live a normal life." Shigaraki said the all seemed to relax after that.

"That's a relief I thought you were evil for a second or using Touya to use his demon king status to you're advantage." Fuyumi said relieved Shigaraki said he tensed at what she said. Everyone at his school had bullied him because he looked evil and strange to them. Dabi noticed Shigaraki's discomfort rage took over him. He was protective of his boyfriend even if she probably hadn't meant it that way.

  Shigaraki clenched his hand into a fist. Tears pricked at his eyes he never would hurt someone who didn't deserve it. Not on purpose anyways. He hated it when people viewed him like that. Dabi's eyes narrowed into a glare as he stared down his sister. He looked about like he wanted to attack her which was evident by the smoke slowly being released from his body. "Shut up, Fuyumi!" Dabi growled angry at his sister. Dabi lit his arm on fire blue flames making her back away. Fuyumi ran away terrified as Dabi advanced on her she hid behind Rei.

"Touya stop this at once!" Rei shouted as Dabi got in front of her his flames heating the air around them. Shigaraki could feel how hot the flames where several feet away. Dabi didn't listen to her Shigaraki wiped his tears away he had to stop this. "Dabi seriously quit!" Shigaraki said Dabi sent a death glare at Fuyumi but put out his flames.

"Sorry I didn't mean to upset you." Fuyumi said apologized. "It's okay." Shigaraki said accepting her apology he smiled weakly he knew she hadn't meant to hurt his feelings. Dabi waited until the others had left to pull him into a hug. "Don't do that again as much as I appreciate you caring you shouldn't go against you're own family." Shigaraki said Dabi nuzzled against his neck.

"Okay fine." Dabi agreed Shigaraki ran his fingers threw his hair knowing what he wanted. Dabi sighed in pleasure as Shigaraki ran his fingers over his scalp. "How about we get back to looking for that chicken?" Dabi asked Shigaraki hummed agreeing. Dabi let go of him he pecked Shigaraki on the lips before walking over to the window. The demon offered Shigaraki his hand confusing him.

Shigaraki grabbed a hold of it, "What are we doing near the window?" Shigaraki asked. Dabi smirked, "Oh, you'll see." Dabi said Shigaraki didn't like the devilish look in his eyes. Dabi yanked Shigaraki into his chest he spread his wings before jumping off of the window sill. Shigaraki let out a scared scream as he clung to Dabi tightly as they were suddenly falling. He closed his eyes not wanting to see down below. Dabi chuckled at his boyfriend he flapped his wings keeping them from hitting the ground last second.

Shigaraki eventually opened his eyes as he didn't feel pain from hitting the ground. He looked around amazed at all he could see. The wind blew his hair around they were up high. "Do you like it?" Dabi asked. "Yeah, this is great." Shigaraki said Dabi smiled at seeing Shigaraki look around curiously. "We should fly more often." Shigaraki said Dabi would make sure to keep that in mind for the future.

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