8.) "I'm Edgeshot, the ninja hero! Hah! Hyaaaah!"

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The next day began with Edgeshot observing Manami's quirk abilities.

Edgeshot really took to the whole 'ninja' aspect to him. Tatami mats for every room, the beds are basically yoga mats, and everyone is required to wear navy shinobi shozoku. Edgeshot got a dark ocean blue one made for her once she called him out at the sports festival. He wanted her there specifically because of the call-out.

After the quirk show-off, he decided that he'd have them battle.

He won, but barely. His usual tactics wouldn't work on her because of her water body. He'd get swirled around and cut through nothing. It's like none of her organs or innards exist. She's like fighting a ghost.

"You're trained."

"Yep!" She grins. "I'm taught by the Wild Wild Pussycats! As for my quirk, my brother and sister-in-law were the heroes Water Hose. They taught me what they could."

"You're definitely more powerful than all of them combined," he says. "Or at least will be in a few years maybe even months."

She smiles in response. "My quirk compared to my brother's was obviously more powerful. My father blasted water out using what was in the air around him. He could blast it like my brother just not as strong. My mother had the water body quirk. She naturally produced water but couldn't blast it, only little bursts. Kinda like a literal water hose. We both got a mix of the two, but I got the perfect mix of power."

"Are... the Pussycats... your caretakers?"

"My cousin is. She's Mandalay."

He nods his head. "I'm sorry for your losses. Go take a break. We leave for patrol in half an hour. Meet me on the roof in your hero suit."

She nods, skipping off to go find something to snack on.


The next day was the same as yesterday except they're actually going out today. Edgeshot started explaining what heroes do when not battling villains. Or... at least what he does. Not all heroes are the same.

"Normally, we would be patrolling once it's a bit darker out," Edgeshot informs. "But I want you to get a feel for the city first. We're actually quite a bit further out than I would normally go."

The two are currently on top of a rooftop. One of the many rooftops they've raced across in the past few hours of exploring the city and looking for trouble.

Manami was living large today. She was having way too much fun blasting around from rooftop to rooftop. Scooping up criminals here and there like ninjas. Never to be noticed and super quick. She was grinning ear to ear, squealing every once in a while usually when jumping a far distance.

Edgeshot paused at this one to give her some information dump about patrolling. He also needed a quick breather. His intern has way too much energy. He can't tell if that's cause she's young, because her quirk never stops giving, or maybe both. Probably both.

"I'm having so much fun!" Manami squeals, cutting off Edgeshot's thought process. "Thank you so much for interning me!"

He's once again cut off from responding by angry yelling.

"You dumb kids will never laugh at me again if you know what's good for you!" a familiar agitated voice screams.

Edgeshot leans over the side to see what all the yelling about is, finding a blond boy and an old friend.

Manami also peeks over the edge, her face lighting up as she spots her classmate. "Kats!" She, in one fluid motion, one-handedly flips off the top of the roof, gently landing with her quirk, and pounces on Bakugo's back. It surprises everyone around, Best Jeanist, the children being yelled at, Edgeshot, and especially Bakugo himself.

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