chapter two

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nick's pov:

"YOU LIKE SOMEONE?" i shouted staring at my sister, y/n.
"ziggy! shut the hell up!" y/n shouted as she threw a pillow at ziggy.
"i just walked in, could you guys stop talking about guys." tommy said as he put his bag on the floor and sat himself on the bed.

y/n's pov:
"no, we cannot shut up, because this is y/n first time liking someone in the longest time! she hasn't been in a relashionship since seventh grade." ziggy said smirking at me.
"well get the damn note!" nick said pointing at the piece of paper that sat on ziggy's bed.
"okay! you guys are overreacting now. that doesn't mean i like hi-" nick jolted to the bed grabbing the note, he crumpled it, throwing it at tommy.
"GOD DAMMIT, NO. ZIGGY HELP!" i say running towards tommy.
"haha, this is fun to watch." she said as she just stared.
i was tip toeing, as tommy was much much taller than me.
"give me the note, thomas." i say staring into his blue eyes, as he stared back into mine.
"nope, i have to read it first!" he uncrumpled the note, reading it.
he looked at all the words, seeing his eyes read it, made me cringe.
"alright, im going to go to the lake. bye" i stutter walking out.
"but you didn't bring your suit!" nick said as i slammed the door behind me.
"these months are going to suck-"
"nice ass y/n!" i heard a voice yell from behind me.
it was kurt.
"kurt. please stop" i say walking quicker.
he ran towards me, grasping my wrist tightly.
i yelled as loud as i could.
"shut the fuck up, you know you want it." he grinned and looked down.
he held my mouth closed, so i couldn't talk.
he held my mouth, still. and kept telling me really dirty things as he whispered them.

he ran me into the woods, where he un buttoned my pants
"KURT STOP!" i yelled.
"no." he said as thry were undone
"KURT, STOP!!" i yelled again.
"KURT FUCKING STOP!" my brother yelled running towards me.
he realeased himself off my body and held up his hands, as if he was being put under arrest.

the tears that held in my eyes, turned into sobbing, i rebuttoned my pants shakily, my breaths were nearly making it through.
i had never felt that scared in my life before.
"y/n go back to the cabin, or by cindy or something" nick said as his fist clenched.
"i'll go to the cabin. thanks nick. love you!" i say as i smile, still crying hard as my voice held shaky.

things with me and my brother we're complicated. he kept a lot of secrets from me and i had never forgiven him for most of the ones i find out about. saying ly, or love you were very rare in our household to be
me and my mom had a great relashionship, we got in few fights, but mom and nick weren't so good.
dad had died not to long ago in a car accident and it was very tragic. as are family being quite known for, we were shadowed a lot with interviews and people asking constantly if we were okay.
nick would always comfort me when things like this or that happened and it mean't a lot to me at sometimes.

"-she'll take your blood, she'll take your head, she'll follow you until your dead!" i heard sheila yell from the "hanging" tree.
"LET ME DOWN!" i heard a voice yell.
i approahed them slowly, as i heard more muttering from the tree.
there sat ziggy, getting "hung" from the tree. her wrists, tied from the rope above her.
sheila, dug through ziggy's pockets as her minions all watched.
"well well. what do we have here?"
"god damn theif" will said
will was my steo brother, but he was never around as we only saw him so often.
"no no, she's not a theif she's the witch. only way to explain her PHYSCO behavior!"
"FUCK YOU!" ziggy's elbow slammed againsy sheila's face, causing her nose to bleed.
hee friends gasped,
"guess were even now" ziggy smirked.
"you do know what happened to sarah fier, right?" sheila said firmly holding her hips.
"they hanged her, on this very tree"
she said peering up at the branch, ziggy was held on.
"will, hand me the lighter!" sheila said, turning around to him.
"sheila, you said what you said!" one of her friends said.
"yea, isn't that to far?" will said.
sheila shoved her hand into will's pocket, firmly grasping what she pulled out, a lighter.
"SHEILA, STOP NO!" ziggy yelled.
the flames burned her skin as i started running towards them.
"LET HER DOWN!" i yell, furrowing my eyebrows.
"shit, will. isn't that your sister?" sheila whispers as i get closer.
"LET HER DOWN, I SWEAR TO GOD, I'LL TELL MOM!" will quickly went to the tree and unravled the rope.
ziggy dropped quickly picking herself back up and standing behind me.
"well, your out berman" i voice from behind me said.
"oh please, you can't get me out! they just tried to murder me!" ziggy says folding her arms.
kurt walked up to me, wrapping his hand around my waist.
i took hold of it, removing it as it was placed on my ass.
"look, we can't kick her out, there gonna ask about the burn on her arm and everything is gonna go to shit!" i say dropping his arm.
"c'mon zigs, let's go. will, never fucking to that again." i say grabbing her wrist and walking to ms. lanes office.
"well... i'll see you in a bit then, troublemaker." i say winking.

i walk back to my cabin, in satisfaction.
i just saved my bestfriend hah..

i ended up passing out on tommy's bed without even realizing it.
i then woke up, to a warm body plunging down next to me, two boys talking
my brother, and tommy.
"hey dude. i know this may be weird but, do you like y/n?" nick asks questionably.
it was silence for a moment
"uhm, no. i have liked cindy for a while now. and if i did like your sister,  who knows if she would like me back. she's much more perfect, and she's in sunnyvale, unlike me and ziggy." he sighed as he layed down facing me.
i then stood up
"hope cindy treats you well, dumbass. she's dating alice" i then say plopping onto my bed, laying.
"you heard that, didn't you?" tommy says looking towards me, not showing his agony.
i slowly but surely nodded my head.
nick scoffed,
"we all know you have the hots for tommy." he said throwing a pillow at me
"SHUT UP NICK!" i say walking up and out, and headed towards the lake.
the sunset shimmered against the lake and onto the trees.
the leaves shook and swayed as the cicadas hissed and the flys buzzed.
the sound of kids playing and laughing made me happy.

"isn't the view beautiful, y/n?" tommy said as he grasped my hands looking into my eyes.
"so beautiful" i say looking back at him.
he looked down at my lips and i looked at his.
his soft lips, pressed against mine.
"i'm so thankful your my girlfriend y/n" he said as our noses rubbed together.

me and tommy did in fact have a past, we just acted like we didn't know eachother.
nick knows that tommy hurt me so much, so he cautious around tommy and keeps me alarmed when around him. he used to be my boyfriend, as in the last relashionship i had been in since the incident.

i cryed into my knees
i knew i still loved him, he was always in my heart. we talked every so often but it was rare.

"hey, y/n i'm sorry" tommy said behind me
"tommy leave." i say quietly
"why are you here anyways?" he said sitting next to me.
"hmm, i dont know, dear shadysider." i say nudging him.
he laughed.
"so i pratically mean nothing to you as, i'm a shadysider?" he said smirking.
"well i pratically ment nothing to you the day you called me a slut and a whore." i say looking in his eyes.
he was in slience, as he embarrasly looked away.
he sighed, as i scoffed
"look, y/n im so sorry and i wont stop saying sorry until you forgive me. i feel so shitty."
"you are shitty, slater." i say fake smiling, then flipping him off.
"c'mon. you know you love me" tommy says scooching closer.
"shut up, you sound so stupid right now."
this is the part where i felt so dumb..
i leaned in, and kissed him.
we both turned red.
"oh-oh my god. im so sorry, i-i need to go!" i walk up and run to our cabin to see nick sitting on my bed.
"nick! i need your help!! i kissed tommy!" nicks jaw dropped
"YOU WHAT?" ziggy yelled coming from the bathroom

"i panicked! and thats why i got pissed and left when he said he liked cindy!" i started to cry.
"come here, y/n. it'll be alright. he was probably just saying that to get the topic of his mind!" ziggy said comforting me.

i think i'm gonna go to sleep, i start walking to my bed.
"y/n! to get tommy's attention, sleep on his bed." ziggy yelled.
i nodded and sleepily walked to his bed. in a matter of time i was asleep.

tommy walked up to me and hugged me as his soft arms wrapped around my cold body as he smothered my face and neck with kisses.
"i love you y/n, will you be my girl-"

i woke up.

heres chapter two!!
tomorrow i start school so i'll try to post chapter three tonight as early as possible!!
thank you guys for the support
chpater three will be out as soon as possible <3

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