You taught me the color pink. I'd never heard of it before going to school, but after I had it was instantly my favourite. It was way better than yellow!
You were the kind of person to keep happy, cause you could be kind of nasty sometimes. Like that time you locked me in the room under the stairs at my house, knowing the lamp went out once that door was closed, and that I was dead scared of the dark. We'd often play dress-up together, wearing jeans and bikini tops and dancing to music like Britney Spears and Shakira. You had this room full of barbies, and now I wonder why that didn't creep me out at the time.. It would've now. I remember the heated discussion we had about a newborn baby's age, me saying you started from 0 and you being absolutely positive it was 1.
Around the age of 9, though, you wanted to be more like the others in our class, including the part where they picked on me. You'd comment on my pink cookies saying they were for babies, and I'd start talking about that room of barbies, and you'd steal my towel while being in the shower after gym. To be honest, I'm still that prude, if not more. My mom made me pancakes for lunch to cheer me up though, so thanks for that.
If you'd ever read this, I'd want you to know that I'm sure we could've still gotten along, and I never really understood why you'd lose a friend to gain none. Especially since it wasn't because of something I did wrong, was it? I'm glad you have some good friends now though, doing better than I am at blending in.
So, how about you? Remember me?