Chapter 2 ~ Missing?

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Tw: kidnapping, blood, swearing.

Third person POV:

A few days after Chongyuns birthday they went their seprate ways back on their own adventures.

Chongyun went back to Liyue to go get popsicles from Xiangling while Xingqiu went to explore liyue some more.

After getting popsicles chongyun went for a walk while eating some of said popsicles. He smiled as he watched the ocean flow.

He smiled and started talking to birds about how Xingqiu would be reading or talking about species of fish.

He smiled as he talked to birds about how the ocean reminded him of Xingqiu. The waves flowed as much as Xingqius passion, While The current as strong as his spirit.

Meanwhile About 4 hours away from Liyue he ran into a group of treasure hoarders. The treasure hoarders caused some trouble as Cicin Mages started popping up as well.

He sighed and drew his sword and ran at them to fight. He stabbed a treasure hoarders and it cried out in pain dropping to the ground.

"Rain cutter!" Xingqiu yelled slashing his sword at a mage and ducking under her electricity attacks.

Another mage suddenly appeared behind him, his eyes widened as he was shocked from behind. He gasped and coughed up a bit of blood wiping it on his sleeve.

The mage threw him on the ground and he groaned as the cicin mage stomped on his back jabbing her heel into his back.

He cried out in pain and he was quietly tortured by the mage before a treasure hoarder spoke up.

"Hey- miss mage?" He stuttered his words and the mage glared at him.

"What do you want dog." He pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Boss said to take him alive. Don't kill him." The treasure hoarder nervously said, clearly on his guard.

"Tsk. Damn mutt. I suppose your right, let's bring him back then." The mage didn't hesitate to bring her foot to his face knocking Xingqiu out cold.

One of the treasure hoarders picked up his limp body and frowned silently thinking this was wrong to do, but scared of what would happen if he didn't listen he obeyed and brought Xingqiu to a building.

Xingqiu woke up in a dark lamp lit room. The walls were rocky and the floor was dirt. He realized what happened and quickly tried to run towards a door only to realize he was chained to the wall.

He sighed and lay himself limp against the wall as a mage and two treasure hoarders walked in with smirks on their faces and weapons in hand.

"Now darling why don't we get you to talk about the Liyue Qixing." She giggled and brought a ball of electricity up to his face as a threat. "Now talk kitty-"

Xingqiu scoffed and spit in her face. "Never."

Meanwhile back in Liyue Chongyun was starting to worry. Xingqiu promised to be back by noon. It was now almost midnight.

Chongyun paced back and fourth before running to Xianglings kitchen. He ran in and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and sighed with relief.

"Ah chongyun. What can I do for ya!" She smiled and he frowned.

"Has Xingqiu returned. He said he was going to head for the Liyue mountain tops but hasn't returned. I'm worried." Chongyun bit his lip with worry and Xiangling furrowed her brows realizing the severity of the situation.

"He hasn't returned. Go look for him. I'll go fetch lady Ninguangg and request the Qixings help." She grabbed chongyun shoulder and grimaced. She pulled two keychains out of her pocket and handed them to him.

"If you find him give him one! It's friendship charms." Xiangling smiled before running off to the building lady Ninguangg slept in. Chongyun took a deep breath before running off out of Liyue.

Chongyun trailed the area looking for clues to where he had gone. It seemed as if nothing was there. Whatever Happened nobody wanted him to know Xingqiu was gone.

Chongyun continued exploring for clues before he spotted a blue piece of cloth. It came from xingqius shirt. He also saw a blue circle on the ground ahead of him.

As he got closer he realized what it was. It was nothing more than Xingqius vision. Meaning now, Xingqiu couldn't use water powers. Whatever happens he had to get this vision back to the boy. Without it he can't protect himself.

Chongyun saw a cave enterance near where the vision was found. Chongyun slipped the hydro vision into his pocket. The vision was still lit meaning Xingqiu was indeed alive, but for how long can he handle staying alive?

Chongyun saw two treasure hoarders at the head of the cave. He saw them holding a sword. It looked much like Xingqius sword.

This confirmed his worries. Xingqiu didn't 'get lost' or 'fall somewhere' he was taken. By treasure hoarders? What would they need him for.

Chongyun decided to charge ahead. Whatever happens, even if death, he needed to save Xingqiu. He was his best friend. He couldn't bare lose him.

Chongyun ran at the guard hoarders and drew his claymore. He covered it with ice and slashed at them, cutting them deep enough to end their lives.

Chongyun frowned, he didn't want to kill. Just then he heard a groan followed by another kick. He heard faint voices in the distance of the cave.

"Tell me boy! What's the Qixing up to!" A woman's voice cackled as he heard another kick. Probably the womans foot to someone's face.

"I- I won't tell the l-likes of you!" He heard a groan. Wait. That sounds like....


Chongyun rushed deeper into the cave toward where the voices came from.

'Xingqiu needs help I must save him' chongyun thought as he ran into battle. What stood before him when he got to the room horrified him more than he wished.

Xingqiu was chained to the wall bleeding from the abdomen, chin, nose, and arms. He was laying slightly limp and looked close to passing out. The woman kept shocking him with electricity to keep him awake as Xingqiu shrieked in pain.

"STOP!" Chongyun cried running towards the mage.

"Damn pest!" The mage turned and snapped her fingers summoning two pyro mages at her side.

The pyro mages acted as if they were attacking chongyun, floating toward him at full speed. Right before getting to him they flicked a finger sending powerful fire straight toward xingqius limp unmovable body.

Chongyun looked over to Xingqiu with wide eyes before running in front of the hydro user taking the blast in his place.

He cried out in pain as he leaned over top of Xingqiu hugging him to protect him.

"Y-you won't die!" Chongyun cried, tears streaming down his face. "Not on my watch."

"Stop chongyun this is pointless.." Xingqiu groaned "just go. Save yourself please."

Chongyun let more tears fall as he hugged the boy tighter. "No. I'm not leaving you here."

Then the Cicin mage electrocuted them powerfully enough to send them both to sleep. They both got knocked out cold.

~~~to be continued~~~


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